Contorted leaves


Well-Known Member
This clone recently rooted, but the soil didn't breathe well with no added perlite, so I removed it from its soil and planted it in the soil I use for all the other plants. I did this with all my clones, this is one of two that is showing any weird shock, and this is 10x worse than the other, which just has a leaf or two that are twisted.

I don't know the heat in the cabinet, but I have had plants do just fine in the cabinet for the last 2 months, but I'm wondering if this could be from heat (which I'm not very confident in) or if this could be from the soil? Whenever I use FFOF, I seems to have a period of about 1 week where plants respond poorly, but usually it's with signs of deficiencies, the likes of which are mildly showing up on the lower leaves.

I think in the future I'm going to make it my practice to flush soil when I repot.

But regardless, anyone experience this before? I'm going to carry on as normal, though I did move the plants a little further from the light just in case.

I'm not super experienced, but I'm definitely scratching my head like, wtf?


Chef BrownSauce

Active Member
My reveg plant had the same leaf deformities. They'll stay that way. When other nodes start growing in, cut them off. Honestly when I'm in veg I always cut off the bottom two or three nodes and let the apex grow. This method fattens the main stalk and increases root density. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Took the clone in veg and have mites ruled out. The white I think is from nutrient water that was on the leaf. All the new growth looks fine, and this clone is pretty healthy looking now. Can't figure out what made the leaves all weird though. I may burn this one in my fireplace later since I don't really need it and I am about to take 8 more clones next week so I can try SOG when my larger plants finish. :)


Well-Known Member
My reveg plant had the same leaf deformities. They'll stay that way. When other nodes start growing in, cut them off. Honestly when I'm in veg I always cut off the bottom two or three nodes and let the apex grow. This method fattens the main stalk and increases root density. Good luck!
That's a good idea for strengthening the stalk etc. I'll try that sometime. Thanks!