Controlling your own dreams.

I can't remember the last time I went a day without smoking or vaping. But ya, it happens when I'm in a deep R.E.M. sleep. I had a good one a couple nights ago and I had been vaping and drinking beers. We chopped a plant that night, not that that had anything to do with it.

But ya, when I sleep deep, that's when shit happens. Didn't have any last night though.
The other night I had an incredibly convincing "inception " dream experience it was wild. I used to keep a dream journal.. but that shit got too weird for me. My subconscious is not a great place I guess hahaha maybe from lots of child hood trauma I suspect.
I have done this a bunch when I was really getting into Astral projection. It's pretty wild. There are a lot of books that can teach you how to do it.

No shit, it's real, I lived it, till I was around 7 years old it was a miracle each day that I was still alive (even was a miracle that I born lol, thx mom to not listen doctors and keep with the pregnancy), it was early 70s, and doctors hasn't a clue why I can't breath, I just was 24/7 choking and fighting for some air inside me, I tell you that because my rare dreams and astral projections??? IMO has something to do with my lung/breathing problems. I was a kid and it really scare me to the bone (I told back then to a loved aunt and she still look weird at me xD), it was daily and I can't control it, I remember how I was floating in the room (I was almost always in the hospital) and just "glued to the ceiling", I looked down and I see my self in the bed, even there was a cool bread/cake shop at the other side of the street and I could see it trough the window, so its just told me that this shit wasn't a dream (I could move my body but can't control where I going floating), so I just gets even more scared. Around 10 or 12 years old, doctors manage to find a solution and I finally breath normal, and it end, I never "suffer" this journey or astral whatever.

When I was around 20 years old I met a girl who said she do astral journeys, she has some books and know a lot about it (I guess), so I tried some method, but it never worked for me, I wish I could do it again, would be nice to visit places without the fear of get infected by the damn virus :D

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I’ve been able to lucid dream for 30+ years. I started trying it when I was a kid after watching Dreamscape with Dennis Quaid. One of my buddies could do it too but I had better control over it.
I don’t do it every night but particularly when I’m having scary or stressful dreams, I’m aware that I’m dreaming and that I can pretty much shape the dream into what I want to do. I am ridiculously strong while dreaming like this - I can pick up enemies and swing them around like toys and fling them like I’m doing the hammer throw with a person. Sometimes I wake up a little disturbed because I threw someone I know into a brick wall. I can fly too, that’s kind of fun but I don’t do that nearly as much as the super strength thing.
I can also wake myself of from particularly scary dreams - I still get the occasional dream about demonic entities. The problem with that is that I sometimes don’t fully wake up and end up in that twilight sleep between full sleep and awake where you can’t move. Being briefly paralyzed after being pursued by a demon is not very fun, but at that point I am out of the dream at least.
Just curious if anyone else has been able to control what happens in your dreams sometimes. I mean that you realize you're dreaming while in a dream, so you know nothing is real and you can do whatever you want. It's a type of lucid dreaming or something. Flying dreams are common too for people who have lucid dreams. It's actually been awhile since I had one. I'm probably smoking too much weed anymore, lol.

It's weird shit. If I tried to do something that I knew wasn't possible, I would wake up right away. But I got a little better and was able to do some crazy shit that I knew wasn't possible before I'd wake sometimes. But once I realized I was dreaming it made it hard for my subconscious not to take over and wake me up.

I've also done crazy shit in my sleep, like sleepwalking, and having sleep sex, lol.

I know I probably sound crazy, but there's gotta be some other lucid dreamers out there.

Intresting meeting others able to do that. At one point in my life I was so in tune with myself an everything around me I could so many things almost at will. I could do things like easily catch flies right out of the air. The being in tune with myself an everything else went so far that I actually began to control parts of my dreams. The more I mastered it the more I could control till literally it got to the point that I could dream what I willed. At the snap of a finger I could be were I want or have what I want. I ended up having a accident that was bad, an had some reconstuctive surgery around my facial area. But because my awarness an conscious level was so good when I went into hospital they didn't check my head as much as I believe they should have. Never been able to think as clearly as I could before, an the frustration of thinking things an not being able to put it in to words properly has been difficult.
Intresting meeting others able to do that. At one point in my life I was so in tune with myself an everything around me I could so many things almost at will. I could do things like easily catch flies right out of the air. The being in tune with myself an everything else went so far that I actually began to control parts of my dreams. The more I mastered it the more I could control till literally it got to the point that I could dream what I willed. At the snap of a finger I could be were I want or have what I want. I ended up having a accident that was bad, an had some reconstuctive surgery around my facial area. But because my awarness an conscious level was so good when I went into hospital they didn't check my head as much as I believe they should have. Never been able to think as clearly as I could before, an the frustration of thinking things an not being able to put it in to words properly has been difficult.
You sure put that into words nicely though. Sucks about the accident, but at least you still seem to be doing good. All this stuff is interesting to me. If you got the right drugs you'd probably be flying high again, if you get what I'm saying, lol.
I can't remember the last time I went a day without smoking or vaping. But ya, it happens when I'm in a deep R.E.M. sleep. I had a good one a couple nights ago and I had been vaping and drinking beers. We chopped a plant that night, not that that had anything to do with it.

But ya, when I sleep deep, that's when shit happens. Didn't have any last night though.

I think that may be you not remembering your dream rather than not dreaming. The more you get used to it an the more you become at one with yourself an everything that surrounds you the better you will get at it. Everthing almost becomes fluid with you mastering your own reality.
You sure put that into words nicely though. Sucks about the accident, but at least you still seem to be doing good. All this stuff is interesting to me. If you got the right drugs you'd probably be flying high again, if you get what I'm saying, lol.

They did put me on something an it did work. I would say my brain started functioning about at 70-75% with the meds to were it was. But the only issue was I used to get double vision sometimes an it killed my appetite so I stopped.
Yes very interesting subject of the thread.
I’ve been able to lucid dream for 30+ years. I started trying it when I was a kid after watching Dreamscape with Dennis Quaid. One of my buddies could do it too but I had better control over it.
I don’t do it every night but particularly when I’m having scary or stressful dreams, I’m aware that I’m dreaming and that I can pretty much shape the dream into what I want to do. I am ridiculously strong while dreaming like this - I can pick up enemies and swing them around like toys and fling them like I’m doing the hammer throw with a person. Sometimes I wake up a little disturbed because I threw someone I know into a brick wall. I can fly too, that’s kind of fun but I don’t do that nearly as much as the super strength thing.
I can also wake myself of from particularly scary dreams - I still get the occasional dream about demonic entities. The problem with that is that I sometimes don’t fully wake up and end up in that twilight sleep between full sleep and awake where you can’t move. Being briefly paralyzed after being pursued by a demon is not very fun, but at that point I am out of the dream at least.

You said that you control your dreams, wich I think is not sooo rare, but can you see your surrounding? I mean, can you go to the window and see ppl in the streets and later corroborate thats they really was there? I mean, for me it was so many years back and I was a kid, so my memories are blured as hell, and today I don't know if it was dreams, or... other thing
You said that you control your dreams, wich I think is not sooo rare, but can you see your surrounding? I mean, can you go to the window and see ppl in the streets and later corroborate thats they really was there? I mean, for me it was so many years back and I was a kid, so my memories are blured as hell, and today I don't know if it was dreams, or... other thing
No I can’t. I am pretty much limited to the bounds of my own subconscious when I dream. I can change my surroundings in the dream, but I’ve not been able to do astral projection to link with others while dreaming.
I had a “shared” dream with two friends and my brother - all of our dreams involved the same area of a room in our childhood home. We weren’t sure if we all watched Poltergeist too many times or if there was an actual source of psychic energy in that room. It was a little disconcerting when different people all mentioned having a dream about that room. None of us were comfortable being in that room alone.
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