Cookie Lady


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I just acquired a strain I nor have any one I know have run yet. I also can't find much information on it online. I picked up Cookie Lady from dark hart nursery a couple weeks ago and threw them in my mother room. They weren't listed on their drop list, I was told its just a tester they are doing and I haven't seen them before in any of their other drops. From what I've gathered, it originated from purple caper seed company and other than that don't know much about it. Everything else i have ran from dark heard has been great so I'm sure its probably another good one. I have ran chocolate hash berry from purple caper before (through a cut from dark heart) and was very impressed by it.

Was wondering if any one has grown this strain before or has any direct knowledge on it.

Thanks in advance! Have a good one!
Not sure how this is going to turn out, I have read positive reports from elemental wellness about the chocolate hashberry that is also a trial release from DHN. I wouldn't be too turned off about it but when I went to the PC website it stated that they used a male cookies to pollinate the other one and it just struck me as really weird. Not sure how they made a male cookies out of a line that is notorious for self pollination but that is all good.