Cooking a German style dinner tonight

60% of the north 'merican population is of german descent, my kommissioner told us once, more than english, blacks, or the natives ....go Trump or is it Drump?
Your Kommissar might have been right but it has been a while (also, Mexico is North American so it was likely never really true, but I know what he meant). Much of our German population secretly migrated to Ukraine in the last decade :).Speaking for myself, seven out of eight of my great-grandparents were born speaking German. Thank god for the one who spoke Hungarian.

Wish you were here Vostok. I truly would have loved to have taken (see how German that plus perfect looks?) you to the Oktoberfest last week. Oompa bands, drunks, cleavage... would have been fun. The culture is still there but the people are pretty mixed.

Back decades ago it was very true. Especially in the industrialized states that drew the German engineers and machinists. Now those areas are far less German in character except for the street signs. Don't sweat it. The Rodina is in no danger from a German-Mexican mix.

You should travel here and look me up. I hear the money conversion is a bitch these days though.

And natives? Ha! Not in these parts - but I can take you to a 120 year old school where we taught young aboriginals to be white. It is quite infamous... But then I am talking to a Russian. ;)
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Dutch! Good to see ya, where you been?! :hug::hug::hug:

Beautiful Upstate NY. I recommend it if you have nowhere else to visit. And I mean NOWHERE. Actually I take that back, it's better than anywhere I've been in Oklahoma. We should figure out a way to play videogames online. I refuse to buy an xbox one till they start making Borderlands 2 backwards compatible, but I'm always open to suggestions.

Back OT, what's everyone's favorite style of sausage? (Blue you can't say Bailey) I love Weisswurst. Very overlooked.
Sounds awesome OD, but I gotta wonder just how "German" it all is, with the Kielbasa and all. But then the border between Poland and Germany and Slav and Teuton is only a few millennia old and highly porous. The German sausage Haus in my city does the best kielbasa around in a town known for it's Poles so, I think I'm just rambling now.

You can definitely cook some mean stuff man, you should try your hand at Sauerbraten.

Basically marinate a bottom round roast or similar in a mix of red wine and red wine vinegar with spices. Pepper, juniper, cinnamon, allspice, etc. But marinate that shit for a week, then broil it with some mirepoix. Very underrated German meal IMO.

Reaches for Unterberg.
Beautiful Upstate NY. I recommend it if you have nowhere else to visit. And I mean NOWHERE. Actually I take that back, it's better than anywhere I've been in Oklahoma. We should figure out a way to play videogames online. I refuse to buy an xbox one till they start making Borderlands 2 backwards compatible, but I'm always open to suggestions.

Back OT, what's everyone's favorite style of sausage? (Blue you can't say Bailey) I love Weisswurst. Very overlooked.

Is this a trick question?

Our local butcher (olde school) makes a pork bratwurst that kicks ass! Especially with 'kraut und cornichons. Much better than the insipid veal version that lacks in both taste und texture.

"don't mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it."
Where the fuck is the schnitzel? This German from Russia is going to get pissed. Eat some Lutefisk while you're at it, puts hair on your chest. (not german but part of the family)
Is this a trick question?

Our local butcher (olde school) makes a pork bratwurst that kicks ass! Especially with 'kraut und cornichone. Much better than the insipid veal version that lacks in both taste und texture.

"don't mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it."

Everybody likes Brats. Even if they're Johnsonville lol. Then when you get a real one your whole mind is blown.

Veal I have a love/hate with. Fucking love the taste, but feel like I should give myself the cilice belt after.
Sounds good. I always like to have some kielbasa on hand. Are you going to drink out of a stein and kick your wife in the face to complete the German dinner experience? Just kidding, I'm Germanic too I hear, on my mums side.
(Blue you can't say Bailey)

Well I'm not sure about the German authenticity, because it's got a little bit of everything..
I should've named the thread German inspired

Or not American, lol.

I have had both the best and worst meals in my life in Germany... in the same week. It was confusing.
I kid you not, I was in Vienna for a month, 2 years ago and watched as a waiter brought this overdone, deep fried, "chicken fried steak" thing to the austrian sitting next to me and I actually wondered if he would reject it for being overdone. Nope,that is their schnitzel. I had various versions myself that month...none would I order again. The only thing good about German/austrian food is the beer you can rinse your mouth out with.
Sounds good. I always like to have some kielbasa on hand. Are you going to drink out of a stein and kick your wife in the face to complete the German dinner experience? Just kidding, I'm Germanic too I hear, on my mums side.
Lmao, sounds about right, but honestly we decided on doing some German porn, you know just the basics..

Like anal fist punching, sewing thread to stitch up the vagina, a little random scat here and there..
Just the regular.
