Cooking oil with fan leaves only?


I have a lot of fan leaves trimmed off of male plants and females (preflower) that do not have visible crystals. I read that even though these do not contain THC, they still contain Cannibol, and will still affect you. I want to slow cook this in a crockpot with oil. Has anyone tried this and with what outcomes? Probobly 2oz of these leaves and stems. Thanks.

New Member
Here is what you should do...and yes i do believe you have enough for butter but just how much??

Take everything you got leaves and stems and blend it too a pulp. I advise cutting the stems into little pieces (at least small enough for your blender). Blend everything with water for 5 strait minutes or until leaves etc are eviscerated.

Empty the pulp into a ziplock bag and freeze over night (this will allow all the cell walls to burst)

Next day boil frozen pulp with water.

How much butter you ad depends on how strong you want your butter to be.

I would add 3 sticks of butter per oz of leaves for best results. This should give you potent butter.

Boil the crap out of it until almost all water is gone (you may need to ad more water)

I boil mine for 30-45 min.

Pour into a column (easier to separate a tall column Tupperware)

Let cool and skim off the butter at the top.



I did do this, but I gave it to a friend and he hasnt made brownies with it yet. ill let you know how it worked.