Cool temp drying?


I was forced to cut down one of my girls early (chopped it yesterday). She has been hanging upside for one night so far. The room she is in is about 58 F constantly and barely changes. I'm using a 10" oscillating fan (on low) to move air around. I have read that prime drying temps are between 65-75 F.

Is 58 F too cold for drying?
I was forced to cut down one of my girls early (chopped it yesterday). She has been hanging upside for one night so far. The room she is in is about 58 F constantly and barely changes. I'm using a 10" oscillating fan (on low) to move air around. I have read that prime drying temps are between 65-75 F.

Is 58 F too cold for drying?

No, in fact I find that slower drying yields a smellier and somewhat tastier final product