Cool Tube Question


Active Member
Currently, I am running a 400w system with a batwing reflector. at the very end of the photoperiod the temp reaches 90 degrees(im just experimenting with the setup with a hermie before i throw the real goodies in). It is in a 3x3x8 closet but i do keep the door cracked with fresh air coming in. If i were to add a cooltube to this setup with an intake and exhaust coming in and out of the ceiling into the attic, How much do you believe the tempertature would drop. Also, how much do you think the temps would drop to if i were to use the cool tube exhaust to exhaust the whole room via leaving one end of the cool tube ehaust open. I will be using 6" inline fans. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
First it depends on the normal temperatur of your room. You can only cool to room temperature. Depends on where you live, if you live in the desert and are pulling air that is hotter out of the attic than the tube is running you'll heat up the closet.

If you live in Alaska and pull from the attic you'll probably cool it down quite a bit.


Active Member
I live in the dc virginia area. so winter is coming up and the attic should be nice and cool.and the houses normal temp is about 70


Well-Known Member
I suggest dumping into the attic. That way your heating your house, not pulling hot air, and you will create a negative pressure in your closet which will also help with odor, you will just haave to crack the window in the grow room.


Well-Known Member
What about intake alot depends on that. You need at least one passive intake. That with exhaust running out of room you shouldn't be a prob. Also are you in a basement or on a different floor? I used to have a grow in a basement and just ran my exhaust under my stairs. I had one passive intake and the room never heated up. This was in upstate NY. Good luck


Active Member
Its on the floor in my house right beneath the attic. We dont have many basements around where im from due to the water lever being so low etc. I wish there were tho basements are my growing dream.