Cooltube question

Mr. Mohaskey

Well-Known Member
I have a Cooltube currently running a 400w HPS, and want to upgrade to either 600w or 1000w. If I get a new ballast and bulb, will the same cooltube work or would I need 1 specifically for that ballast? Picture of cooltube fixture rating for reference. Pretty sure it would but want to make sure.

Tried searching and didnt find an answer to my question.

Thanks in advance.


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Back in the day, cool tubes were this glass tube you could buy for making a bread log. Its Pyrex glass. Stoners figured out they could stick a bulb in it. The same tube was used with 400, 600, and 1000. Using the same light socket.
Thanks beehive. I have had this cooltube for about 12 years now and has worked great. Almost too great. Temps in the summer only get about 72-75f. Winter is a pain to get temps up. Lights off winter it drops down in the fifties. Thinking 600w or 1000w would be doable without much to worry about heat wise.