Coots mix reammend questions


Well-Known Member
I probably should have checked here first, but I just amended three earthboxes and I just want to make sure I got my amendments right.

I run autos in coots mix. These did two runs before becoming solid roots. It was ~50g of soil between the three. I don't mind top dressing heavily, I just didn't want to reamend too hot for the autos.

I added two cups of BAS craft blend, one cup Oyster shell, one cup gypsum, ~1qt barley, 4c EWC and 4c compost.

Did I not amend heavily enough?
well maybe not. About 6-7 cf total there. 1-1.5 cups NPK ammendemnts per cf so I would be closer to 6-8 cups craft blend.( not super familiar with the product but I’m guessing it’s the same meals as all dry)

but the thing with recycles is it’s all dictated by the previous rounds for me. Plan your ammendments based on plants. No fade? Dial it back. Heavy fade increase heavy handed. And I prefer down to earth products instead of a blend cause it gives way more custom control of NPK inputs