Cops being cops


Well-Known Member
Ex cop shoots man because he was texting during a movie.

Undoubtedly the ex cop because irate after the suspect, er victim, likely told him to fuck off when the ex cop demanded he cease the annoying behavior.

Typical cop in my mind. What say you?

Read more here


Well-Known Member
I personally have felt the exact same way, more than once.

It's just as rude to text during a movie as it is to shoot that annoying dick texting in the row in front of you.


Well-Known Member
cops are normal people . he must of been pushed to his limits , and crazy nuts. I could see yelling at the person or even going to the extreme nocking his phone out of his hand. I would of asked them nicely if that did not work I would call for the manager get him kicked out and then get free movie passes for next time. this nut shot him when the fucking prevue were on who gives a shit about those. im sure the phone was going away as soon as the movie started. now the ex cop gets to go to jail. with the same people he put away.


Well-Known Member
cops are normal people . he must of been pushed to his limits , and crazy nuts. I could see yelling at the person or even going to the extreme nocking his phone out of his hand. I would of asked them nicely if that did not work I would call for the manager get him kicked out and then get free movie passes for next time. this nut shot him when the fucking prevue were on who gives a shit about those. im sure the phone was going away as soon as the movie started. now the ex cop gets to go to jail. with the same people he put away.
I'm sure the ex cop will have current cops go go great lengths to protect him. He wasn't just any ex cop, he was a high ranking captain in charge of some pretty important stuff.

I hope they throw him in general population, but odds are he will be segregated.

Besides he is old, and there is, from all I've heard, a code amongst prisoners not to fuck with old people.


Well-Known Member
I don't really think there is much protection for shooting an unarmed person in a public movie theater over texting... Just my opinion anyway..


Well-Known Member
I don't really think there is much protection for shooting an unarmed person in a public movie theater over texting... Just my opinion anyway..
I got arrested one time, while there I saw another inmate throw a piece of paper at a co.

About 10 dudes jumped on him and kicked his ass. The guy had obvious mental issues.

My point, this guy threw popcorn at the ex-cop. If he were still a cop, he could have charged him with assaulting an officer. This is just how cops are. Overwheming force, respond to anything with an absurd amount of force.

They typically use more cops to arrest people than we used Navy Seals to go get Osama.

I wouldn't be surprised if this guy offers some kind of defense in court centered around fear for his life from the throwing of popcorn.


Well-Known Member
I doubt he could charge him with assault if he wasn't on duty? Or does it not matter?


Well-Known Member
Dude was a douche bag. He texted, he acted like a bitch. He got shot by a murdering asshole, who obviously forgot to just hand out an ass-whooping...

I don't think the cops'll be protecting this "one of their own" too much. Another cop, in the audience, witnessed and detained, or at least barred exit, according to the article. (Which was poorly written.)

Everyone missed the bigger picture, IMO, though -- Florida. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Dude was a douche bag. He texted, he acted like a bitch. He got shot by a murdering asshole, who obviously forgot to just hand out an ass-whooping...

I don't think the cops'll be protecting this "one of their own" too much. Another cop, in the audience, witnessed and detained, or at least barred exit, according to the article. (Which was poorly written.)

Everyone missed the bigger picture, IMO, though -- Florida. Nuff said.
He was just standing his ground. Dude tried to knock him down by throwing multiple projectiles.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure there are signs that say no weapons allowed in a movie theater no matter what lol

The Coppers

Well-Known Member
I got arrested one time, while there I saw another inmate throw a piece of paper at a co.

About 10 dudes jumped on him and kicked his ass. The guy had obvious mental issues.

My point, this guy threw popcorn at the ex-cop. If he were still a cop, he could have charged him with assaulting an officer. This is just how cops are. Overwheming force, respond to anything with an absurd amount of force.

They typically use more cops to arrest people than we used Navy Seals to go get Osama.

I wouldn't be surprised if this guy offers some kind of defense in court centered around fear for his life from the throwing of popcorn.

El Tiberon

Active Member
When gringos stop being pussies and letting the police do this your lives will become better. Until then, you get exactly what you ask for. You have masters who will beat and kill you and they wear badges.

Grow some nuts and kill police. They are servants and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
From reading the article I gathered that the ex cop left the theater to go get his gun because he was a little pussy bitch that couldn't take someone one on one. Fucking coward. The ex cop knew he was going to shoot that dude if he stood up and talked back. I think eye for an eye is in order.

Also, why are cops shooting other white people, i mean come on now, what about diversity?

^ Yes that was intentional to create havok in your thread. lol


Well-Known Member
When gringos stop being pussies and letting the police do this your lives will become better. Until then, you get exactly what you ask for. You have masters who will beat and kill you and they wear badges.

Grow some nuts and kill police. They are servants and nothing more.
Goddamn, I cant believe I'm saying this elTib, but I couldnt agree more. Except that I support assassination of the ones over the police, as the police are just pawns.

I think no group if measured by the whole deserves to be behind bars more than those that currently are charged with putting others behind them.

I saw something about a would be mass shooter one time somewhere in the holy land.

A Jew walks into a mosque (no not a joke) and opens fire. All the hajis jump up and end up beating the Jew to death with his own gun.

In America what video that does exist usually shows people scattering like sheep and screaming. No sense of taking care of ones self at all.

The "authorities" will handle it.

I cringe every time I watch the news or something and they refer to these gun toting goons in uniform as the "authorities."

What exactly are they an authority on? They graduate high school and take a six week course (police academy) then they get a gun and a badge. They are placed in charge where ever they are and their word is treated as the word of God.

Fuck them. I wish more people would just start randomly killing the fucking pigs.


Well-Known Member
When gringos stop being pussies and letting the police do this your lives will become better. Until then, you get exactly what you ask for. You have masters who will beat and kill you and they wear badges.

Grow some nuts and kill police. They are servants and nothing more.
True dat! I've already killed 9 today. them fuckers are like grimlins they keep multiplying.