Cops bust pot farm 100lbs every 8 weeks!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's incredible.

The hydraulic door built underneath the garage looks massive, you would definitely need explosives to breach that!!! also the escape routes they had set up with hydraulics to lift up boulders and the escape routes? Truly GENIUS... my hat goes off to this gentleman..... shame he got busted.

I wonder how he knew about that cave underneath the house, before he decided "hey lets make a giant grow op"... maybe dumb luck


Well-Known Member
I think he bought the land then had the house build over the cave but it was pretty dope thought lol!


Well-Known Member
you gotta read through all the letters the first couple are just people giving the site guy props but some of them have lots of info on the farm. and get this a guy bought the fucking house for $285 thousand to grow fucking cheese in the cave lol
lol wow this is breath taking, but the reason they got caught was for stealing electricity, i mean come on lol

But i respect these guys haha thats the best thing ive ever seen, the REAL field of dreams(underground in a cave)


Active Member
so if they didnt splice the power line having a person from the electric company come would they have been fine if they just paid there bill ?. I personally would have lived in the house and have the cave as my secret lab. Impressive read kinda stupid way to get caught. Thanks for the article.


Well-Known Member
Good shit D, I remeber this also. It seems they had enough property. They should of had diesel generators. For the money they were making. They coulda paid off the official from the power company. Dumb...


Well-Known Member
so if they didnt splice the power line having a person from the electric company come would they have been fine if they just paid there bill ?. I personally would have lived in the house and have the cave as my secret lab. Impressive read kinda stupid way to get caught. Thanks for the article.
np bro i thought id share it with my riu fam i liked it so much :clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah i watched the video also...that shit is bananas then to have the house burn down that joint was for sale cave and all...

BC Budz87

You always get busted from stealing electricity. DONT DO IT! lol I really feel for that guy but then stealing is stealing and I dont condone that. As far as the weed, I have nothing wrong with that tho haha


New Member
Holy mother of god!

But it was bound to happen, Stealing Electricity, Killing innocent people. Fuck em'.


Active Member
thats a fucking amazing set up! i'd like to know how they trucked all the supplies needed to grow and build all that stuff without bringing attention to themselves. They got greedy and got busted. If they would have settled for growing say 3-4 million dollars worth of MJ a year instead of 6-8mill they probably would have got away with it because they wouldnt have needed to steal electricity.


Well-Known Member
Man, taht shit dont have nothing on my DIY cab and 250 watter baby check that out...i can run my shit off triple a honestly Greed is a mother fucker...


Well-Known Member
Damn sophisticated op. Too bad they couldn't get it right the first time. Building that op into a mountain is absolutely genius.

I would do it the same way but of course have a legit reason for the need for the electricity, a server farm should do it, give one an excuse for a T1 line too ;)
