corn field grow set up?


Well-Known Member
wait till the corn get too high for the weed spraying tractors to go in any more then pull up one row and put a couple plants in.
also i wouldnt recomend trespassing on someone elses property.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The rows should be from East to West for the required sunlight. A dark green strain will show up too well. A lighter green strain should do well. Good luck.


No offense but it's a retarded idea to plant you're cannabis in a corn field. By default farmer's keep an eye on their property and are friendly with the local cops. Secondly they spray a lot and I mean a lot of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and harvest earlier then you're plant's. Thirdly if you avoid all those issues the simple fact is you would be a lot better off finding public land to plant on. For security, health aspects ie insecticides, and the simple fact you're more likely to be successful.


Well-Known Member
most farmers harvest befor your plants will be ready and when the corn is brown ur plant will stick out tryed this no go