Cornell Univ. Corpse Flower has begun blooming.

but i want to watch the people watching the people watching the flower.

what the fuck is this? why are we watching this flower?
what happens if it opens and what what are they doing with the string?
I don't know what they're doing with the strings. But they've had it for ten years and this is the first time it's going to bloom, then smell like rotting flesh. And 2 days later it's dead.

They bloom like 3 times in 40 years.
Lmao, I love that mom that leaned that baby way in to get a good look, I hope the plant sprays that child with corpse smell.
tell them to quit fucking with it and leave it alone.

it'll open when it's good and ready, let it do it's own thing.
It's hard as @#$@# to get seeds for amorphophallus titanum, but a friend got me a few from polland somehow. :D another project for down the road.
That is slick! :D. I wonder how long it takes to open once it starts.. Sprays the child with corpse smell? Thats pretty freaking funny Gidget.:-?

Kind of pretty......................