Cost ratio for Super Soil


Active Member
Hey guys I have been surfing the web looking for an answer to a question that has been plaguing me. My question is for all of you seasoned organic growers that know ur stuff, I have been growing for many years but was mainly hydroponics and maybe soil in the last year or so. With this being said I have really started loving the organic life! I started with soil with general hydro floranova series grow and bloom, but now have transitioned into making subcools super soil. The soil is amazing and has treated me well, but do to my organic noobness I have taken the route of just using Roots Organics soil and mix in 60#'s of EWC's and then just mix in the TGA super soil charge packs (which sub isn't really backing no more) and it has done good for my grows. Now that there is mad issues with the charge packs Im left to dogs and need answers, so here I am.

Question is that I am about to whip up another batch of soil and will be going with subs new mix that he just rolled out with a few weeks ago which is;

The Current Subcool420 Super Soil Recipe 2014

9 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber (Roots or Down to Earth) and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings ( I used 60)
2.5 lbs steamed bone Meal
2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal
5 lbs Bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
5 lbs feather meal
3-4 Cups Oyster Shell
3-4 Cups Kelp Meal
3-4 Cups Alfalfa Meal
¾ cup Epson salts
1 cup sweet lime (dolomite)
2 cups azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid

I also add
**Option#1- 2 Cups Crab Meal
***Option#2- 2 Cups Charcoal

Sounds like a yummy mix! When pricing out these amendments I see that most Down to Earth boxes (which i think are 5lb boxes) which run about $10 a box....said and done Im looking at spending anywhere from $200 to $300 to make the soil which is about a 1/2 yard. This super soil really kicks ass and I have absolutely no complaints on how it performs except the fist charge pack I got didn't seem a "shit" smell and I had to mix a lot more often to get rid of the smell. My guess is due to the fact they probably used lesser quality ferts like cow manure to keep cost down which I can understand, but also my plants seemed to run out of steam to quickly...but anyways sorry got off topic. Question really is that with the simplicity of organics coupled with the dank quality you get I think hands down its worth the cost to make this but the other day I was talking with some grow store guys that are into organics and he mentioned using the ready mix rose blend by down to earth and something else like green sand i think but don't quote me on that one and talking with my good buddy he seems to think I pay way to much to make the super soil and on top of that the regular soils for veg and buffers. I know the cost seems high to make a $250 1/2 yard or a $500 yard (which I just did for my outdoor greenhouse grow that's about to start), I know that the 1/2 yard will last me about 3\4 of my indoor season and probably in the range of another $150 in base/buffer soils to use in conjunction with the SS but is there any cheaper ways to do this without sacrificing the quality? I use all quality products which are best for the plants and only suppliment with a sugaree or molasses, hygrozyme, B1 and every 4th watering some floralicious+. Seems to do well for me but is there a cheaper way to do this without having to go buy 10 other nutrient additives to get thru an entire grow cycle or is what Im doing pretty good?

Thx guys I don't really talk much on these forums unless there's something like this that I am just stuck on due to lack of organic experience.
I've been growing for many years and have learn't the hard way regarding making my own soils, its an art form, I do get my organics from some hippies down by the river, my advice is to shop locally good luck "V"
Thanks V, so would you say to stick with the SS that im doing (Subcool recipe) and maybe play around with other mixes until i find something that works? Or keep the SC SS recipe but outsource to local organic ammendment companies where i can get the ammendments cheaper? Thx V

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The bad smell could be from the compost not compost to completion. Not good for your plants. Was this in the TGA product? We had that problem with pallets of TGA. Also not good. We started using Miller Soils a few months back and have had good luck. It gets better and better, we only pull the plant out of the planter add new soil blend it up and grow again. We mix a few time and also found it to cost to much! This stuff is very nice. And yes it has biochar in it witch is why we tried it because i'm a biochor geek.