Cotyledons Wont Open


Active Member
My plant sprouted above soil about 3 days ago , looks healthy but the seed leaves arent opening and the seed alreadt broke off. Thereis a little space between the leaves but one is on top of the other and I want to know why the one leaf that is on the other wont flip up



Well-Known Member
Give her times she's just sprouting, you'll have em in a couple days. By the way your medium looks to muddy, you don't really want this.


Active Member
How much water should I use when I do water it.? And thanks for helping me, this is my first one just worried bc I see other people pocture and they have their leaves already opened


Well-Known Member
They can survive a drought but not a flood.
The top will dry before the inside, so when you see the top of the soil bone dry, give it another day.


Well-Known Member
I've got seed that have taken more than a week to sprout, great smokes btw... if it's ore than 10 days it's time to worry. I get your feeling though... I can care less because I already have plants growing, but when you are in point zero you want things to speed up so badly.


Active Member
give her another 30-48 hours, from there she'll take it off, untill then relax, enough water for now mate,
seeds come with an energy pack for couple of days from water used to germnate.
Hopefully ull have to re water when the first set of true leaves appear.