Could an 84 year old man who has never used pot, use it to help and try to cure his p


Well-Known Member
Prostate cancer? Seeing as he doesn't know anything about the psychotropic effects of weed and that he had a heart attack earlier in life, I'm wondering if it is a good idea? I mean, 84 is pretty old. What do you think? Please help RIU, this is serious.



Well-Known Member
There is a good video on the effectiveness of hemp oil on pretty much everything, might be worth watching. I'll try and find it for you...


Well-Known Member
The fact that the person has never tried it and has had a heart attack previously scares me... I would certainly not want to cause them any extra harm.. They are open about this stuff and I have talked to them about it, but the possible affects, especially during this age???


Well-Known Member
No, so far he is not in much pain and is taking some sort of anti-cancer medication...That is another thing... The cancer is kinda dormant.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, aussie saying referring to cricket, 84 is a pretty good score. I think I would be happy to make it that far personally


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, thanks for your opinions man!! That's an interesting saying... Anybody else have anything they'd like to share?


Active Member
one of my grandparents takes a lil mj for back pains etc. i would recommend maybe they eat a little in a cake or something that they like to eat and see how they feel, just dont use too much ;)

Don MaJic

Active Member
I don't think it would cause any harm shredder. I wish my gran would smoke some MJ, she suffers from chronic pain, but I just don't think she'd take any non prescribed medication whatsoever. I've spoken to her about it, but judging her reaction, I can't see it happening.


Well-Known Member
Certainly wont cure it, but it can help with treatment side effects. There's a drug they sometimes give to chemo patients to help with the side effects called Marinol. The active ingredient is a synthetic form of THC.

Though, I wouldn't recommend eating it for a first timer, it's much more difficult to control dosage. Say he doesn't like the feeling of being high, well, he's already eaten a bunch of it so it's too late now. I personally don't like cooking my weed for this reason, I usually miss my target high level and end up only a little high or way too stoned.

In all though it's a good way to deal with any pain or treatment side effects he may have, but it wont get rid of the cancer.

I am fairly sure though that if he tried smoking a little it wouldn't do him harm... unless maybe coughing hurts?


Well-Known Member
I dont have much to offer but I would make hemp oil if I were you and give it a shot. They say it cures moles, and cures cancer but I have never seen it work. It doesn't get you high so I dont know what the effect on the heart would be. I know very little about hemp oil other than the miracles others have claimed.

I wish him the best, prostate cancer took my grandpa from me.


Active Member
i dont know anything about this but for the very least, i suggest small dosage for starters and make sure you somehow filter the smoke so its smooth and not harmful to the lungs. in my opinion, he should at least try a small dose just because everyone needs to experience a high in their lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Though, I wouldn't recommend eating it for a first timer, it's much more difficult to control dosage. Say he doesn't like the feeling of being high, well, he's already eaten a bunch of it so it's too late now. I personally don't like cooking my weed for this reason, I usually miss my target high level and end up only a little high or way too stoned.

I'm with you on that one. I always get way to high when baking with cannabutter or oil. That cetainly wouldn't make for a good high to a new user.

I don't think its gonna cure any type of cancer including prostate. Maybe curb the pain a bit but certainly not cure it..