Could Someone Here PLEASE Help A First Time Grower Identifying These Symptoms?!!


Well-Known Member
could tell you a lot of bad info until we know your ph is correct and water is not to toasty. any info we give no matter how goo our advice is. it may be incorrect


Active Member
I see you are growing in hydroton in baskets. watering times have alot to do with it doesn't look like bugs but could be. Do you use anything for bugs, insecticides? Clean or not the little f____ers come in on your clothes, prevenative measures for everything. How often do you water? We water 4 times a day for 15 min soak any more and they will get too much.


Active Member
sorry i grow in ebb n flow style so cant help you much on your grow but if the instructions say 24/7 maybe the 15 min being off is hurting them