Could this be stunted growth?


Hello all and thanks for stoping by.

I am taking a test run growing Silver Kush. We just crossed the 50 day mark and things are looking a bit funny.

I have noticed very little progress in these past few weeks. Now I am still very new at growing. So I do not know if it may just be genetics or if a problem on my part. Maybe just the way of life. So hopefully someone will be willing to lend me a hand?

I have it in a mix of RG basement mix and perlite.
non PH water when needed.
temps during lights on is 75 and 70 when off
50% humidity
all under a 300w LED

This is is right at 30 days. Right before I transplanted.

And inside the box(also at 30 days). It is to the right. And DinaChem is to the left. Both planted and sprouted on the same day.

I should note I have used separate methods while growing these two strains. I used different starting soil. Silver Kush was grown in Burpee's Super Growing Pellets. While DinaChem was in a mix of soil and pellet. Also while transplanting for the first time i snapped some roots with the straw i used as a stake.



I did a little LST yesterday to let more light in. Hopefully things will look better.

Could anyone tell me if flipping it into flower at this stage would be wise?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
That would depend on how big you wanted to go in the first place...How much space is available and how tall did you want to be at finish.
I don't see a problem with those plants, so vegging longer is fine if you like..BUT, I would transplant to a bigger pot first.
In fact, I would transplant to the next biggest pot and wait 2-21/2 weeks and then flip for a better quality finish.