Could use a second set of eyes and a few opinions.


Well-Known Member
So I've got this plan set up for my rain protection during flower, we've gotten some steady rain and because Im running large pots they're staying a little wetter than Id like them to, with more rain in the forecast, I was considering setting my rain cover up early. Heres the plan, I could use some ideas on a couple of the details, as well as point out any flaws you might see that I've missed.

I bought a spool of 1/8th inch galvanized wire, basically a mini zipline that can hold like 500lbs... Im setting it up over my plot (about +/- 50' x 20') Its going to be ran about 200 feet between two trees as act as a ridge line for some poly plastic. The basic idea is a scaled up version of the common camping tarp set up here:

ridgeline tarp idea picture.jpg

Here is a couple pictures of my plot to show what Im talking about.
Outdoor Crop 6-30-2020 (7).jpgOutdoor Crop 6-30-2020 (8).jpgOutdoor Crop 6-30-2020 (35).jpg
june_12_crop_update_pictures (45) -- galv cable2.jpgjune_12_crop_update_pictures (44) -- galv cable1.jpg

and here is a picture of the basic gist of it,

I could use some ideas on how to secure the plastic from gusts of wind, how to attach possibly some 1/2in-3/4in pvc pipe on the ends and bottom (parts A, B, C) Possibly a solution or slit where D is to let some air through during big gusts almost like a parachute has vents ? Like this:
I realize that would allow a bit of rain into one spot,. would need some science on this... Possibly instead of one piece turn it into two with a small seam down the middle If I can limit most of the rain from the area would still be better if it would prevent the thing from sailing away. I also want to have the PVC pipes on the edges (A and B) so I can walk it covered, and walk back uncovering it. Another thing I was worried about was putting electrical tape or something over the wire to prevent ripping the poly plastic at all, Even though it doesnt have any burrs and is stranded wire... May still be a good idea.
As well as the red lines will be the guy wires tying the structure down... If anyone has any ideas for some anchors where I can attach/detach easily (was thinking carabiners or something) The tarp will also extend out one side of the crop and be my rain cover for a hot tent during flower as people willl be living in the plot as security during flower. Anyways... Thats where Im at, would love any ideas, opinions, or criticisms. Thanks :leaf: :leaf:
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try looking on craigslist and see if anyone is selling a portable garage frame. Alot of people rip the covers and instead of replacing the cover they sell the frame cheap.

I like the wire idea and suspended tent though, maybe sleeve the wire with vinyl tubing to prevent rusting and ripping the cover?
I would make little cones to cover just the pots instead of covering the whole plant. A little bit of rain coming through where the cage is shouldnt be a big deal.

You also REALLY need to top those girls. Like cut the top 2 feet off.
Agree with JoeBlow on the topping suggestion, and I know you didn't come here to ask about the plants, but they look hungry also!
Whatever you are feeding them, they need more of it.
They look like they are in full sun, so they seem like they should be a lot more filled out.

These gals were about 1 ft tall when I moved them outside just over 2 weeks ago, over 2.5 ft now, and filling out nicely.
I may not even end up topping them this year they are branching out so nicely.

Sorry to hi-jack your thread, I will sit down now.

I do like your idea for the rain cover though, and I think it would work nicely in my raised bed. I think I even have some trees close enough to set it up pretty simply.

Happy growing!


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I would make little cones to cover just the pots instead of covering the whole plant. A little bit of rain coming through where the cage is shouldnt be a big deal.

You also REALLY need to top those girls. Like cut the top 2 feet off.
Nah that ones an experiment, no topping this year... I've got 3 that Im running no topping, just LST... some have been topped multiple times,.. I run experiments every year, and Ive always topped... There really isnt a need when you can dedicate the time to LST, and you have the height/room... LST provides the same benefit without having that day or two of slow down/stress. Good eyes though. Thanks guys.

I should mention I've got a 30 x 14 or so hoop house... I took that down to put the wire up, because I dont get full sun in the yard, its shaded from all those trees surrounding, So I took the hoop house down, and decided not to buy a shelter logic style green house frame/ garage thing because of the limited sun, Thats sort of the reason Id set something up where I can walk it across and cover them, take it off when its not needed to get most amt of light possible back there. I was thinking of doing 7; small hoop houses but im in mass and we struggle with late season rains and humidity, so unless I had each one vented really well,It be riskier than me letting them go in the rain. Mass is a tough state to grow outdoors some times..
Theyre definitely not in full sun, or hungry, They've got 100 gal of mainly compost, EWC and other shit... I should mention Those are a little over a month old and almost 7ft from ground... And again, this is experiment... You guys can follow the grow journal or the mass growers thread if you'd like to get updated on the situation. Thanks.

Got some pest issues going on with them, But thats everyone in town and all over my yard mainly... (hence the yellow and D.E.) Oh and these pictures are from last week with a few probably from longer ago, I just went through the folder to pick out the trees / lines / areas that I had been talking about, So they may not be in order or even up to date. and last thing... They were taken on an overcast day, The direct sun is actually really tight area of where the pots are (hence why theyre so close together) Seems like an open area but its not, just cant tell because the clouds are diffusing the light that day.
Agree with JoeBlow on the topping suggestion, and I know you didn't come here to ask about the plants, but they look hungry also!
Whatever you are feeding them, they need more of it.
They look like they are in full sun, so they seem like they should be a lot more filled out.

These gals were about 1 ft tall when I moved them outside just over 2 weeks ago, over 2.5 ft now, and filling out nicely.
I may not even end up topping them this year they are branching out so nicely.

Sorry to hi-jack your thread, I will sit down now.

I do like your idea for the rain cover though, and I think it would work nicely in my raised bed. I think I even have some trees close enough to set it up pretty simply.

Happy growing!

Nice, great green color on those.

These are mine from June 12th Little over 2 weeks or so ago.
Sorry for the shitty camera phone from 2011
june_12_crop_update_pictures (26).jpg
and then this is from the other day 6-25:
6-25-2020--outdoor_crop (3).jpg
That one in the back left looks like it's gonna make a 6ft x 6ft table of colas!
Was that one topped or just LST?
That was a random plant I had started in feb it ended up getting a big split on it, But it was kept under like 250w and just hung out on a table near by, I kept topping it throughout (probably been topped at least 20-30x by now, Ill pinch off shoots whenever I feel I need to) another indoor grow, and by the time I was going to put plants out, I had 3 of 4 seed orders not make it, messed up all my timing, so I ended up taking a chance on it, even with the split stem from like march.. That is a Mint Chocolate Chip someone found a seed it was from some dispensary near by, the bud was alright, they gave me the seed and I just tossed it in water thinking nothing of it, Ive grown plants just under my desk lamp next to my monitor just to experiment on little things, check reactions to certain techniques, low light, high light, quick changes, etc. but it just so happen to work out where I didnt want to put a shitty clone in that 100gal because I only had made up 6 (mass personal legal limit.. household is 12 plants...legally speaking only the 6 100gal are mine.) But yeah it happened that the random seed ended up in a pot... The one that is on the same end, in the other row with 4... is same story, random bag seed of some strain called Cornbread from a dispensary, bud was good... I wanted the plants in the pots by end of may so I said fuck it threw that one in there as well... Then the rest are all started around the 2nd week of may I believe four Gorilla Glue fem, 2 white widow reg, 1 og kush, 1 mint chocolate chip, 1 cornbread, 3 other randoms that I put outside trying to kill as sort of canary in the coal mine tests and they ended up bouncing back and getting pretty close to the pace of the others by the time they resumed growth lol.... 1 has shown female preflowers already and Ive had crazy good luck with pulling females from regular seeds my whole life... like seriously, like 90% over hundreds if not thousands by now..
Nah that ones an experiment, no topping this year... I've got 3 that Im running no topping, just LST... some have been topped multiple times,.. I run experiments every year, and Ive always topped... There really isnt a need when you can dedicate the time to LST, and you have the height/room... LST provides the same benefit without having that day or two of slow down/stress. Good eyes though. Thanks guys.

I should mention I've got a 30 x 14 or so hoop house... I took that down to put the wire up, because I dont get full sun in the yard, its shaded from all those trees surrounding, So I took the hoop house down, and decided not to buy a shelter logic style green house frame/ garage thing because of the limited sun, Thats sort of the reason Id set something up where I can walk it across and cover them, take it off when its not needed to get most amt of light possible back there. I was thinking of doing 7; small hoop houses but im in mass and we struggle with late season rains and humidity, so unless I had each one vented really well,It be riskier than me letting them go in the rain. Mass is a tough state to grow outdoors some times..
Those bad girls gonna be 15-20 foot tall if you dont top.
Those bad girls gonna be 15-20 foot tall if you dont top.
Thats the plan...:D Grow into the sun Im shaded out by 50+ footers everywhere

Nah but seriously I havent decided if Im going to put another cage and keep branching out, then put a pot-wide cage or bigger next... Theyll either go straight up, or if I dont put the second cage on theyll get tied toward the north so most of the stalk can get coverage throughout the day
Thats the plan...:D Grow into the sun Im shaded out by 50+ footers everywhere

Nah but seriously I havent decided if Im going to put another cage and keep branching out, then put a pot-wide cage or bigger next... Theyll either go straight up, or if I dont put the second cage on theyll get tied toward the north so most of the stalk can get coverage throughout the day
Long as youve got a plan. Lotta guys just think they can let em grow..... gonna need that support.
I set one up last fall for a guy that had four large bushes in his yard. The tarp was vapour barrier. They weren’t sure how to tie it so I used an old trick I knew. I put a round river rock in the spot where I wanted to tie, brought the tarp tight around it and lashed around it well. Then tie to the lashing wrap. It was stretched over steel fenceposts with lashed hoops. It is surprisingly strong and actually survived a few storms with 80 mph winds, and all we used was poly twine!

I would make the structure out of steel cable and then attach the tarp to it, will be much stronger. Or hoops as mentioned.
I set one up last fall for a guy that had four large bushes in his yard. The tarp was vapour barrier. They weren’t sure how to tie it so I used an old trick I knew. I put a round river rock in the spot where I wanted to tie, brought the tarp tight around it and lashed around it well. Then tie to the lashing wrap. It was stretched over steel fenceposts with lashed hoops. It is surprisingly strong and actually survived a few storms with 80 mph winds, and all we used was poly twine!

I would make the structure out of steel cable and then attach the tarp to it, will be much stronger. Or hoops as mentioned.
Yup used the same rock trick when camping... Im not sure how well that would work for a large set up and really high winds... This poly plastic is going to be like 25 - 40 feet wide by 60-80 feet wide maybe? I want to really melt the end to slide some pvc or something to stabilize it, But also not trying to cut or puncture it, So I may actually try to do the rock thing first and see if that helps... When I used to put hoop houses up Id sometimes just run masons string line over the plastic and tie to the hoops and it would keep everything nice and tight, But I dont want the hoops for this setup, Want it to be able to be taken down and be out of the way type of thing.
The one I described was 50’ x 10’ of plastic. It covered four floppy crap genetic huge bushes. The wind was strong enough to rip branches off the plants at times but the tarp stayed, much to my surprise, lol.

I thought the bud that came from that setup tasted moldy, maybe because the vapour barrier trapped humidity or blocked UV. It was 3’ above the tops. Its very humid here and the dew comes down heavy at night.