Could use some input from experienced pollen collectors/diy breeders!


Active Member
Howdy folks, so I'm not 100% certain if I botched my plan to pollenate a singular, low stalk bud or not, yet. I have a strain that doesn't want to let me "monster crop"/flowered clone it so I decided it was worth my time to keep her strain alive for a future grow & collect pollen from the nicest 1 of 3 males from a couple months back & pollenate a decent sized lower bud approximately 1 month-ish from harvest. Well, I've let that plant continue about a week past the assumed month mark now, the trichomes on the rest of the plant are as far mature as I care to let them go now yet the bud I brushed the pollen on isn't showing any obvious seeds! I went as far as to slice one little crystally little pod open and nothin' inside! I harvested the pollen from a healthy male, mixed it with flour at a ratio of 50%/50%, stored it in the fridge triple zip-locked so I'm pretty dang sure the pollen should have been plenty viable! certain strains of pot take seeds significantly longer to mature? Shouldn't I be seeing SOME red flag that the seeds are "gestating"? Any experienced input is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
It is possible that the seed is deeper inside the bud since the seed pods tend to stack on each other as the whole bud gets bigger. I have seen that on my own chucks.
Most likely the pollen was bad, it’s very susceptible to moisture. The first sign of successful pollination is the pistils dying a couple days after dusting a flower. You really shouldn’t be seeing any new pistils from that area afterwards
A seeded bud is pretty obvious, the calyxes will be way more plump than the unpollinated flowers and you can easily feel the hard seeds if you give it a gently squeeze. kiddin, I mean, I get all that and it makes sense, and actually the pistils (hairs right? I'm not opening new pages to google DID turn kinda dead-ish looking...they turned a slightly darker color brown and definitely shrunk some and looked withered...and yeah no new ones grew for sure, though the plant and buds were already close to harvest...just a few weeks away anyhow. Also I recently noticed (maybe in the last 3 or 4 weeks) that alot of the calyxes seemed crazy fat & unusually large, compared to most the plants I've grown before anyhow. Apparently the strain (from the info. weve gathered) seems closest to Sensi Seeds " White Gold" which already has pretty fat calyx's. I'm gonna give squeezin them a shot...I REALLY hope this hybrid takes place! Man, the female is SO sticky and sweet, the male was such a tightly noded stinky purple stud that I'm pretty sure their offspring would break some lungs! Lol! Fingers crossed! And THANKS MANG! If ya have any other input Im all ears bro!
You want to make sure you clean and dry the pollen before trying to store it. Pass it through a fine micron screen and you will notice a lot of particulate left behind. All that stuff can negatively affect the viability of the pollen.
Huh...well, I actually DID save a small baggie of pure pollen, and a sack full of dried pollen sacs too...though I brushed/coated a lower choice bud with that batch too so I don't I said they definitely look as if they at least started to take, it's the lack of visible seeds bulging out that I'm missing thus far!