Couple of pics from my Vertical coco, DTW


Well-Known Member
Update: Day 14 of 12/12

Everything is looking good, the stretch is continuing, did a bit of LST and Super Cropping today. Removed some of the fans, removed the nets and refastened the plants to the screen. After reinstalling the nets, moved the branches around to begin filling the nets. I removed the fans to open up the bud sites and get ready for next week's 21 day trim. I am hoping that splitting the trim may help prevent the problem I have had during other grows, a sort of a lockout at around the 5th week of flower. I will be lowering the EC and doing a flush with a low EC/pH'ed solution when I do the 21 day trim. By doing this flush at that time I believe it will allow the plants to recover without higher EC to damage the new growth. This leading to the 5th week of flower and the addition of P/K.
Here are the ladies: The Triple Cheese's

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Triple Cheese number 4, removed the net to trim and reinstall the net.

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Side view with the net removed, you can see why the nets are needed, these plants stretch directly toward the lamps.

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Put the net back on and tucked into the net.

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All tied back and headed back into the tent.

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Con't next post
Con't from last post.

Ayahuasca Purple
No forward view but here is the thick side view.

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And the net installed

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This is how much room that was created by using the net.

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Tying the plants back and using the screen sort of makes the canopy fairly dense but when I do the 21 day trim it should all be good.

These are on the Ayahuasca Purple, can see why I will be Super Cropping these tops.

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Going to add two more water cycles water cycle, reduce each run time on the four middle times but keep the first and last times the same to get the extra DTW and help prevent nutrient buildup.
9;10 pm - 2 minutes
11:30 pm - 1 minute
2 am - 1 minute
4 am - 1 minute
6 am - 1 minute
8:10 am - 2 minutes
This will give me 30 seconds more solution than before adding the extra times. Will be watching this and may cut the three middle times some if I am getting too much runoff.
Update: Day 21 of 12/12

Today was major trim day, took forever and damn I sore, all the lifting, bending, stretching and the such.
Triple Cheese (TC) #1

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TC #2

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TC #3

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TC #4

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Ayahuasca Purple #1

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Group shot.

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Made up new rez last night, lowered the EC considerably, hope to not have the issues from past grows after major trim of what I believe is causes from losing leaf mass, making the EC to high for the plant.
Update: Day 21 of 12/12

Today was major trim day, took forever and damn I sore, all the lifting, bending, stretching and the such.
Triple Cheese (TC) #1

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TC #2

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TC #3

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TC #4

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Sorry no pics worked, will redo,
Update: Day 21 of 12/12

Today was major trim day, took forever and damn I sore, all the lifting, bending, stretching and the such.
Triple Cheese (TC) #1
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TC #2
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TC #3
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TC #4
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Looking great bud, one of these days ima try a vert grow, think it would be fun and interesting to try lol
Looking great bud, one of these days ima try a vert grow, think it would be fun and interesting to try lol

Lot's of work, but good return. The method I use allows me to remove the plants from the tent to work on them. If I had the room I would do a vertical wall grow.
The individual plants on a screen work for me as it eliminates the pain in my back from bending over and stretching to reach the plants.
Update: Day 49 of 12/12

All is well, pulled them from the tent today and did a little cleanup and photo op's.

Triple Cheese
2/13 #3
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2/19 #3
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2/13 #2
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2/19 #2
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2/13 #4
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2/13 #4
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2/13 #1
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2/19 #1
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Con't in the next post.
Con't from previous post.

Update: Day 49 of 12/12

2/13 Ayahuasca Purple
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2/19 Ayahuasca Purple
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This plant I believe will take at least two weeks after I harvest the Triple Cheese.
Group shot.
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Back in the tent.

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Have taken both Liquid KoolBloom and Dry KoolBloom out the the rez mix with this last rez refill. Went 3 weeks with this program and am now back to using Canna B in the mix.

Have been running two rez fills and at the end of the second fill I add 3 gallon of RO and pH. This reduces the ppm of the rez and I do a mini flush, 3 to 5 gallons used. Been doing this since flip to flower and it seems to be working well. Very minor tip burn, no lockout and good growth.
Three to four weeks to go on the Triple Cheese and a couple more weeks beyond that for the Ayahuasca Purple.


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Ok I'm done.
Started on Tuesday , got three plants completed. Went out of town yesterday and finished them today.
Was too busy to take a lot of pics.
With the net attached. Triple Cheese #3


Removed the net and got the big droop.

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Ayahuasca Purple
This plant turned out to be the one plant I seem to get every grow, loose buds, no weight and about 1/2 of this plant will be going straight into making FECO after it is dried.

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Thinking, this is just a guess, thinking maybe there will be about a pound in total.

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Here is the larf, selected more than normal to go into FECO. Got about as much off the Ayahuasca Purple as off all the Triple Cheese.


Time to clean up the pots and get them ready for another grow.

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Over all I am not very happy with this grow. Should not say that because anything you grow is a blessing. But I am thinking I am not going to make weight and the buds are not as tight as I expected.
Not sure what caused this, I am wondering if my lamps are too old, and not putting out the amount of light as they should. So I am going to replace them for the next grow.
nice job GR8. weight isn't everything, a successful grown is what it is all about. You have really intrigued me with your vertical grows. not sure i will ever do one but it sure has me thinking

I have been following your advice re Canna A/B feeding schedule. It is working like a hot damn, and very little problems if any, almost plug and play, it is so simple. LESS IS MORE

Enjoy your buds,

nice job GR8. weight isn't everything, a successful grown is what it is all about. You have really intrigued me with your vertical grows. not sure i will ever do one but it sure has me thinking
I have been following your advice re Canna A/B feeding schedule. It is working like a hot damn, and very little problems if any, almost plug and play, it is so simple. LESS IS MORE
Enjoy your buds,

Thanks there Smoky!!
Yeah yield in not everything but sure helps when making medicine.
Glad your having success with the LESS is MORE fert programs. I got just a bit a tips burn which I believe is due to the Liquid and Dry KoolBloom addition to the mix. Even though I used half rate for two week instead of full rate to just one rez I think the buildup on the root zone may be the culprit. Thinking more flushing is needed during the last three to four weeks of flower.
Last Friday
Three plants dried and in jars curing, 14.3 zips. There is another 4.6 zips of larf/untrimmed Triple Cheese buds going directly into FECO/CCO.
Took the other two plants out of the plastic bags and rehung them on the stand. So I will be jaring them on Sunday. Also there is a bag of larf/untrimmed Ayahuasca Purple that will be going into
making FECO.
This is one plants that was stripped from the branches. 155 grams TC #3


Here they are jarred. Had to pack them tighter than I like, prefer 2/3 full, but I ran out of jars. So for the next batch to dry will need to put some that are in jars from previous grow into bags in the freezer to make FECO, thus freeing up a few jars.


Completed harvest of the Triple Cheese and Ayahuasca Purple, about 23 zips of trimmed smokable buds and about 8+ zips of untrimmed buds going directly into making FECO/CCO. The weight was not what I expected and the reason is the buds are not very tight, some pheno's were better than others but not like I would like them overall. The AP was a bitch to trim for not much yield, but she smells delightful. The plant that produced the most was number 3, that is the plant that I did the super cropping to the mains. She was not that much heavier than the other three but she was heavy. Number two has the best looking buds and they were tighter but still not like usual. So thinking I will change the lamps next grow.

Now as soon as they open the beach back up I am going to go fishing and camp for I don't know how long. Have been binging on fishing show for over a week and it's making me crazy. Good thing I have not been watching cooking shows or better yet murder mysteries, LOL
Anyway I'm done!
