Couple Of Qs


Active Member
Well my timer broke, currently on 12/12 (in third week) so i have to do manually for the mean while before i can get a new mech timer.

my question is (due to life) i will have one day where i have to turn on the lights early, so how will it effect my plant if i turn the lights on a couple hours before the usual time and turn them off at the usual time,

Also just wondering about the smell, my plant.. well has no smell (maybe i just dont notice it :roll:). after touching a bud i can smell "that smell" on my fingers. maybe its strain related (bagseed) should i worry?.



Well-Known Member
If you turn them on early then turn them off early as well...keep a 12/12 cycle, and the next day return to normal. Better to have more darkness then will confuse the plant.

Some strains don't start to smell until it gets close to harvest, and some just stink all the time. Remember...your probably used to the smell so it doesn't phase you until you touch it.


New Member
One day of two hours of extra light won't harm your plants in any way.

Some plants don't smell. Other plants, you can smell as you walk up the drive way.



Well-Known Member
If you turn them on early then turn them off early as well...keep a 12/12 cycle, and the next day return to normal. Better to have more darkness then will confuse the plant.

Some strains don't start to smell until it gets close to harvest, and some just stink all the time. Remember...your probably used to the smell so it doesn't phase you until you touch it.
totally agree with this, and one day wont hurt but dont do it for too long they can be temperamental little bitch's, my bags seed plants are a couple of week from harvest, u can smell them when the lights are on n the fans are on full but only a little bit, but as soon as you touch them ur finger smell ssoooo nice! also i think the smell comes out more as it dries, or so i hear.
but do be carefull not to stress ur plants ive just noticed seeds on mine, i think they could be from a few things,
bad bag Hermie seeds
stress from a dodgy timer, mine was missing the times set for a few days
or, i was limited for space and they got a little burn. (but after some cutting and moving there now ok'ish, minus the seeds lol)

Peace :joint: