Couple of questions from a new grower


Well-Known Member
Does the colour of pots I use make any difference? Every pot I see in people's grow diaries seem to be black, but the only ones I can find are brown.

Also, Is miracle grow potting mix suitable as a grow medium? Was thinking of mixing it with perlite for drainage. What are peoples opinions on this?

Thanks in advance :-)


Well-Known Member
Hi Bigby

The reason why most people have black pots is that they get them from their hydro shop and are normally made for Dripper systems etc. Colour does not matter.

You can use Miracle grow but i hear alot of mixed reviews about using it (slow release ferts etc)

Personally i would use Soil for your first attempt at growing or COCO.

Hope this helped.



Well-Known Member
Personally i always choose something sterile from a hydro shop.

It is well worth buying something sterile as you could end up with Spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats etc from using something like this.

This is what i used for some British Blue Cheese Clones that i grew on my last grow.

I wouldnt choose anything that you buy from homebase etc.

IF anything go to a good gardening store you should be able to find something sterile there.



Active Member
I can vouch for the non-use of miracle grow soil. We had some pretty nasty mites come out of our bag...on top of the ph problems, etc. that you'll hear others talk about. I would use hydroponic nutes in some potting soil that doesn't have bad reviews.


Well-Known Member
Black pots are the best to use because it keeps the light away from the roots. Any color is fine as long as it's not white.

Reguarding MG soil, don't use it. MG soil retains alot of water like a spounge and has time-released nitrogen that can damage your plants if you are not very careful. I reccommend FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil, it's organic, ph balanced, and has all the nutrients you need to start seedlings and veg plants for about a month with just water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies and advice. Even though this is a budget grow I dont think scrimping on the growing medium is where to make the savings. Ordered myself some of the canna terra professional soil mix that was recommended by jondamon, thanks again fella :-)


Well-Known Member
100% correct. Soil and light are the most important factors of growing. No point in growing if you don't use good soil :D good luck


Well-Known Member
no problem Bigby.

its good soil it buffers really well.

you can use any nutes you like as long as they are for soil.

oh by the way a budget grow never stays that way believe me lol.
