Couple plants are further behind in flowering than the rest?


So I've grown kalichakra a few times and have always loved it and gotten great results. This last grow I decided to make my own seeds from a male kalichakra and a female kalichakra. I used these seeds for the grow I'm currently doing right now.

First of all I only got 5 females out of 16 plants, not very typical of kalichakra, and I also got 1 hermie. So I've been flowering these 5 plants and 3 of them are on schedule for flowering while these other 2 decided to stretch an extra 2 weeks and are way behind on bud production. I've done a few grows so I know how they should look. I'm about 63 days into flower and I can already tell these 2 plants are gonna need at least another 2 weeks.

So my question is, was it my breeding that screwed up this batch, or does this just happen sometimes? I don't see how I could screw up breeding, you just put pollen on buds, how could you mess that up?

Also, everything from my previous grows have been the exact same, so I just don't understand why this is happening.

I also plan on taking clones from the biggest plant, which happens to be one of the ones that is behind in flowering, will this trait be passed on to the clone?

Any help would be awesome, thanks!


Well-Known Member
could be the way you are feeding could be genetic yes the clone will be exactly the same as the original. i dont think you messed up breeding you probably need to stabilize the breed by breeding a mae from you current batch thats is the most potent and similar to the fast growing ones to stabilize the traits. the male you used must have been hiding some different genetics(recessive traits)