couple questions...opinions and suggestions please...


Active Member
ok so im in canada and didnt get plants out til mid july (yaya dumbass i am) anyway now im in risk of stupid early frost and nothin but rain for weeks to come which is causing me bullshit with mold....these 2 ladies are looking and smelling super and i want them to finish which they will not get to do outside(shitty).. my other problem is that if i dig them up and bring them indoors to finish that, i only have a cloning lite( 4-4ft daylite floresents) will they finish my 2 ladies,,and will it all be worth it.....or say fuck it and harvest now...


Well-Known Member
if you cant cover them outside with something maybe put dig them up and bring them inside at night and put them outside in the day if it's dry enough and use the flouro's as a backup? it still wont yield as fat as finishing outdoors but at least you wont have premie weed!


Active Member
they are rite in my garden and very visable if i were to cover them out there(5 footers) or that is what i was thinking as well...I was just hoping digging them up and putting them in buckets wouldnt stunn them to bad for t he last weeks of budding...but worth a try i guess..thnx for the suggestion..