Couple questions


grew maybe 5 years ago 1 hydro plant and got 5 oz but I was constantly changing and refilling (overworking) the setup. I would like to make it easier this time around and I don't need to dial this in 100%. IF I had to choose id rather she be slighty underfed.
My set up will be
5 gallon bucket covered in HVAC silver tape
Maxi grow and Maxi bloom dry nutes, GH Liquid cal/mag, GH Rapidstart, Hydrozyme
4in 135cfm Fan in a 2x2x5.5 tent
Cheap ebay PH meter
Bluelab EC/ppm/temp meter

736ghp Commercial air pump with 1 8"air stone disk and 1 6" air stone
I have my original 600watt (300 true watt) blurple ebay LED. (I was going to use a Mars t1000 but I don't have the cash for it )
Auto northern lights x big bud strain Germinated papertowel method into rockwool 1.5" cube in a 6" netpot

So I have a couple of questions in regards to plant feeding. And yes I do know its dependant on your plant but im trying to get a baseline idea of what I should be doing

I know day 1-7 from sprout ( or until the cotelydons fall off) she wont need anything but water.

1. When I get into the 2nd week. Should I be adding the full 5ml dose of calmag start to finish or ease into it.
2. Should I be using PPMS or EC when adding nutes to the Bucket.
3. Next is a multi-part question
4. Hypothetically if I give her 0.5ec on Monday and I check her Wed and the EC has dropped, would you recommend topping her up with plain water or topping her with the same 0.5ec. When topping her off do I empty the bucket and refill at the end of every week, or once I top off the same amount that's in the REZ? And then once its empty and refilled should I bump it up a little. Or keep her the same EC the whole time?
Thank you for the help
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