Cover Stories

smokey de bear

Active Member
Hey everyone,

Whats your cover story going into your guerrilla grow, I know theres a lot out there like fishing, hiking, taking the dog for a walk. My favorite is metal detecting because I get to bring my shovel and gardening equip, and when people ask what i'm doing i show them some rusty nails and junk i found before and they just leave. Or I can pretend i didn't hear them with my headphones on, if they ask what Im looking for i just tell them relics.

Smokey :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well if your plants to close to any creeks or brooks, which most likely they probably are close, a fishing pole is a really big help. Nobody thinks twice if they see somebody going fishing, I will use that as a cover up most of the time, And I usually bring my dogs with me also. But A lot of guerrilla growers try NOT to be seen, the less their sighted in any areas, the better, (people get suspicious if they sight you in the same area week after week...) Just try to get in the woods just as the sun rises, And get all your work done in the early mornings when a lot of people are still sleeping. Depending on your location, a four wheeler is a good way to get into some nice deep woods quickly, without attracting suspicious attention.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
just play it cool. but yea we all come up with our stories, in our head. if i was stopped hauling a 80 lbs of water on my back i would tell them. im am training to walk and complete the appalachain trail. tell the the #1 reason ppl give up on the trail is they carry too much weight, and im not gonna be one of those ppl make sure im fit enough to complete it, its been my dream since i was little, yada yada, but always make sure if the shoe was on the other foot, and u were unknowingly hearing this story, it would be beleivable to ur ears

smokey de bear

Active Member
Yea I agree, you almost have to be a master of disguise and blend in with every different spot. One of em i use the detector, and it's already one of my detecting spots so people see me there quite a bit already and it seems when anyone see's some guy waking into the bush with a detector they dont ask much cause most already know what it is. My other spot is near one of my many fishing holes so that's when the rod and reel come out. And the last is my berry picking spots were i can walk out with pails of "berries", where i put the good stuff on the bottom then a bit of dry moss then some berries on top for the illusion. Around here the fish cops are pretty bad and have a lot more rights then most of the other cops, they can search your car just because they see a fishing rod and think you may be hiding fish. So they don't usually hound people who are not hunting or fishing.


Well-Known Member
lol the fish cops? Over here their called conservation officers or "conversation officers" lol. And they all have handguns. I would be watching out for these guys if your planning on growing any weed close to populated fishing areas. They also have fourwheelers, So now they can be practically anywheres and everywheres.

smokey de bear

Active Member
Oh I know what theyre called, and they have a lot more toys and rights then most think, i beleive they're at a federal level too.