cow poop


Well-Known Member
uh u sure about that man? i know horse manure will burn plants caus of its acidity or something like that but i always used fresh cow manure with tomatoes, peppers, corn, etc and they were great


Well-Known Member
Manure should be aged not fresh or composted or it does tend to burn kill most plants.I suppose if you really dug it into the soil and mixed it very well it might be ok fresh in small amounts but if it was me I wouldn't chance it.


Well-Known Member
it really depends on the kinds of plants and all, but the amounts of ferts in fresh crap are pretty high for marijuana, diluted it could be ok, never tried it, but on average weed needs far less ferts than many other plants. I have read that llama crap is very mild and can be used fresh, as for the specific animal i don't know, i don't use crap. i tried mexican bat quano, came in 5 pound bag of little turds, i burned many a plant with it, now i don't use poop, just black dirt, composted leaves and grass, and osmocote if necesarry.


Active Member
bat guano ( i think thats how its spelt) makes a good alternitave and will provide your plant with alot of nutrients. you can either get it from the bottom of a bat cave or a garden centre.