Craziest leaves and growth on plant

Hello hello! First post but long time learner from here. Long story short I'm on my 2nd round/grow outdoors in Virginia. Have 4 regular seeds going now in soil ( mix of ffhf and ffof + compost and perlite). Plants have been going since 4/20 and am not quite sure yet of their sex... seeing some small pre flowers but nothing that screams boy/girl yet... anyway one of the plants is completely different than the others, got the seed out of some killer bud we had last year, leaves are a very irregular shape compared to the other plants going now and have grown in the past. This plant is a very slow grower but looks dark and lush, even more so than the others that are out growing it. Some leaves have funny lobes that are half connected to eachother, but the reason for this post is that recently the lobes of the fan leaves have kinda started to pile up in the middle of the leaf instead of separating and widening out/ flat... just gonna post and hopefully some.folks who know way way way more than me( not hard) can give me.some insight... been feeding compost tea every 2 or 3 waterings and adding little home made fish hydrolosate and horse tail water ( silica?) A time or 2... could it be heat/ wind stress? Under a heat wave and added a fan to the greenhouse a few days ago to keep.good air flow. The leaves have always been different but haven t noticed this yet...please help!!!! Also included pics of 3 others for comparison...Big thanks in advance!


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Hello hello! First post but long time learner from here. Long story short I'm on my 2nd round/grow outdoors in Virginia. Have 4 regular seeds going now in soil ( mix of ffhf and ffof + compost and perlite). Plants have been going since 4/20 and am not quite sure yet of their sex... seeing some small pre flowers but nothing that screams boy/girl yet... anyway one of the plants is completely different than the others, got the seed out of some killer bud we had last year, leaves are a very irregular shape compared to the other plants going now and have grown in the past. This plant is a very slow grower but looks dark and lush, even more so than the others that are out growing it. Some leaves have funny lobes that are half connected to eachother, but the reason for this post is that recently the lobes of the fan leaves have kinda started to pile up in the middle of the leaf instead of separating and widening out/ flat... just gonna post and hopefully some.folks who know way way way more than me( not hard) can give me.some insight... been feeding compost tea every 2 or 3 waterings and adding little home made fish hydrolosate and horse tail water ( silica?) A time or 2... could it be heat/ wind stress? Under a heat wave and added a fan to the greenhouse a few days ago to keep.good air flow. The leaves have always been different but haven t noticed this yet...please help!!!! Also included pics of 3 others for comparison...Big thanks in advance!

Genetics, or nature vs. nurture.
You only control the nurture part, and they look like happy healthy plants.
I wouldn't worry about it since it's beyond your control; i.e. changing nutes, adding supplements ain't gonna change the morphology of the plant.
Maybe you got a bit of ducksfoot genetics in whatever strain it is. Welcome to posting on the forum.
I like freak/mutant plants/unusual plants. Ducksfoot can be a slow grower and have a long flowering period.
Nomad seeds have a few mutant strains like ducksfoot, ABC (Australian Bastard Cannabis), and In-Fern-Ho (It has really unusual fern like leaves).
Thanks to you both! Yea as it's 2nd go round have read and watched a bunch of stuff but not experienced too much, last year got lucky and had 2 girls from 2 regular seeds and no boys, I am sure I won't be so lucky this year as far as if I have all girls or not. That one plant has just been funky from day 1, it was germed the same date as the biggest 2 and 2 weeks before the other one. it was in some stuff called " ASTRO lift" so we shall see... I have heard quite a few folks say that often the fussy, weird, slow growers end up being the most funky in the end as well...fingers crossed! Will keep updating!
Hello hello! First post but long time learner from here. Long story short I'm on my 2nd round/grow outdoors in Virginia. Have 4 regular seeds going now in soil ( mix of ffhf and ffof + compost and perlite). Plants have been going since 4/20 and am not quite sure yet of their sex... seeing some small pre flowers but nothing that screams boy/girl yet... anyway one of the plants is completely different than the others, got the seed out of some killer bud we had last year, leaves are a very irregular shape compared to the other plants going now and have grown in the past. This plant is a very slow grower but looks dark and lush, even more so than the others that are out growing it. Some leaves have funny lobes that are half connected to eachother, but the reason for this post is that recently the lobes of the fan leaves have kinda started to pile up in the middle of the leaf instead of separating and widening out/ flat... just gonna post and hopefully some.folks who know way way way more than me( not hard) can give me.some insight... been feeding compost tea every 2 or 3 waterings and adding little home made fish hydrolosate and horse tail water ( silica?) A time or 2... could it be heat/ wind stress? Under a heat wave and added a fan to the greenhouse a few days ago to keep.good air flow. The leaves have always been different but haven t noticed this yet...please help!!!! Also included pics of 3 others for comparison...Big thanks in advance!

Did you find those in seeds from dispensary weed. There traits that come from cookies mainly platinum and more so ogkb and some ibl og genetics give it.
Did you find those in seeds from dispensary weed. There traits that come from cookies mainly platinum and more so ogkb and some ibl og genetics give it.
Good to know actually great to know, always heard you can find some gems in bag seed... neighbor had some fire and we traded and they said it was pretty cheap for around here but they didn't get it from a dispensary, like half price of what you would at disp., I'm guessing it was grown for that purpose and ended up getting seeded somehow because we ended up with 5 or 6 seeds from like 7gs, so I'm excited to see what it turns into, with my luck it will be the one male out of the whole bunch
Here are the few I raised my first go round... 2 were wwxak clones named " Peggy and polly" and 2 were bag seed named "pearl" and "penelope"...(pic 1&2) first and biggest was bag seed "pearl" the biggest 3 all had at least a little PM issue so they all got harvested a week or so before I would have ideally cut them down, the big sativa I would have liked to have give another 2 weeks prob but it didn't happen,
Pic#3&4 Penelope- started over a month later than the others, could have used another week +, my wifes fav...
Pic 5&6 :Peggy- at first my fav due to structure and ease and being good, but it's prob now 7 months since harvest,its sunken to 2nd place in my book to "Polly". Clone supposedly wwxak " premature detonation"
Pic 7: Polly- is # 1, developed a little fuel/ skunk after the cure, same as " peggy" clone supposedly wwxak, little leafier and not quite same structure but.close... and Pic 8 is half the greenhouse... 10x10x10! Thanks for checking it out and the help!


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