Crazy Situation with a Male


Well-Known Member
Okay so I had a "wild" male pop up on my property earlier this season.

In the last 6 years I have only had females, no hermies, males, ect. and only feminzied seeds. So this was unique to say the least.

I would like to keep the pollen from this guy, but he is about 3 feet away from my greenhouse with all my ladies.

In your opinion, is it too risky to keep this guy around? He is growing in the natural soil, so I can't move him. Anyone have any luck digging a plant up? lol

Like I said I want to keep the pollen, but not at the expense of pollinating my entire greenhouse

Yes, it is pretty risky. I usually do some pollination every run but I had to take a break from it because just having 1 small male around was enough to seed up my girls more than I'd like. And this is keeping my girls about 30-40ft. away, collecting pollen indoors and only doing selective pollination with a paint brush.

If the male is still not dropping pollen yet and you still want to use it, I'd just snip off some branches right before the pollen sacks open and stick them in some water and bring them inside and wait for the pollen to drop. Keep some clean paper underneath the cup to collect the pollen and make sure there are no fans or breeze in the room that could disperse pollen. Doesnt take much pollen to make more seeds then you can personally run.

I probably wouldn't use that particular male since you dont know its lineage, unless it is showing some pretty impressive traits and smells. You wouldn't really want to breed wild hempgenes into your stock.
Yes, it is pretty risky. I usually do some pollination every run but I had to take a break from it because just having 1 small male around was enough to seed up my girls more than I'd like. And this is keeping my girls about 30-40ft. away, collecting pollen indoors and only doing selective pollination with a paint brush.

If the male is still not dropping pollen yet and you still want to use it, I'd just snip off some branches right before the pollen sacks open and stick them in some water and bring them inside and wait for the pollen to drop. Keep some clean paper underneath the cup to collect the pollen and make sure there are no fans or breeze in the room that could disperse pollen. Doesnt take much pollen to make more seeds then you can personally run.

I probably wouldn't use that particular male since you dont know its lineage, unless it is showing some pretty impressive traits and smells. You wouldn't really want to breed wild hempgenes into your stock.

Yes I do like the characteristics of the him. I really like how it is growing in my native soil (which isn't easy) with no extra additives and is still killing it. And I live in a secluded area and I only move the best phenos from seed to the greenhouse, so any potential genetic lineage will be solid without knowing much more. I would save the pollen for a later date tho to test when I am ready to see if it is a winner, not worth blindly mass polinating without all the right pieces in place.:hump:
Thank you for the advice water! If I decide not to leave it where it is, I might try and dig it up first and see if I can keep it alive and move it inside :blsmoke:haha

@Dabbinblunted :fire:
I'd love to know how he ended up there ....however your risking your ladies having him around for sure
How big is he? I moved my Slo3 last year when she changed her name to Herman. She/he/it was in the ground, but I dug it up and put it in a pot to move a safe distance away from the others.

Not very big, maybe 2-3ft tall by a 1ft wide. Im thinking I might try to move him to a pot, a final test to see if he is worthy lol.

That's gotta be what happend grow that shit out and will call it area51 ...
haha if I get the pollen, area 51 is definitely the leading contender for the male's name:bigjoint:
Not very big, maybe 2-3ft tall by a 1ft wide. Im thinking I might try to move him to a pot, a final test to see if he is worthy lol.

haha if I get the pollen, area 51 is definitely the leading contender for the male's name:bigjoint:

Totally unrelated question: What strain is that in your profile picture? That is a beautiful plant!