Crazy thoughts


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
Quick question. My DWC's have no ventilation to speak of, other than 6 fans. But no ducting as I can't drill holes. I had a few soil grows which actually came out pretty good, My last plant gave me 3 ounces which I was pretty happy with. But for some ungodly reason I decided to switch to hydro, DWC. So far I've lost 4 plants to nute lock, but I think I got it figured out. Water temp. :( Of course I messed up with the nutes and everything else in the beginning, But I believe I've gotten a handle on that. I've also been using the old frozen water bottle trick lately and so far so good. I honestly think once I conquer this water temp issue, it'll be right as rain. :)

My crazy thought is this, since I'm using dark buckets to block out the light, what if I were to wrap the buckets in mylar? Would that reflect the heat as well as the light? Or would it just insulate them more and make them hotter? What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Water temp = nute lockout? What was your starting PPM? And your water PPM must be included in calculations. How were you measuring your PPM and measuring your pH? Those are far more critical than water temp. Save the time chilling it to go buy meters if you haven't already.


Well-Known Member
Water temp = nute lockout? What was your starting PPM? And your water PPM must be included in calculations. How were you measuring your PPM and measuring your pH? Those are far more critical than water temp. Save the time chilling it to go buy meters if you haven't already.
Agree, with HR need some meters.How did you come to the conclusion Tht the WT=Nute lockout,Was the water boiling as you never said Temp either...



Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, I'm keeping the ppm around 800 and the water temp was around 90 degrees F. Until I started using the frozen water bottles. Since then the roots are looking much better. That's how I came to that conclusion. I was just wondering what you thought of the mylar idea?


Well-Known Member
Bubble wrap it,Works great when you get the temp down it should act as light block and Insulate.

Above 80F,gonna have issues,I keep mine 60-73f.GL
