Cree CXB3590 Build


Well-Known Member
This is my first build, I think it went pretty well. I had a lot of information from forum members and Robin from Northern Grow Lights. The Meanwell 1750ma driver is on the outside to avoid any more heat in a sealed system with CO2. Avg temps around 85-95F. The CO2 is running a solid 1500 ppm when the lights are on. This is also a 6 bucket recirculating system hydroponic system.

*****Both Pacific light concepts and Northern Grow Lights packages came super fast considering I live here in Maine. Both of them have great prices also so double thumbs of for them two.****

Cxb3590 and holders from pacific light concepts

4x passive heatsinks from northern grow lights
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Im new to the Led scene honestly barely contemplating it, i have a potentially stupid ? But i must know for my peace of mind lol when u grow with led do you want both ur colored lights and "white" lights on at the same time or opposite? Sorry for the noob? In advanced


Well-Known Member
For what I have read cobs have low uv and ir. My other to lights apparently have both. So I have them on at same time but i am also selling those to make more cob fixtures. The heatsinks are 140mm. Keeps them nice and cool when lights turn on ill post picture of temperatures. What i have noticed so far is that the driver runs at 129f definatly glad i put it ouside of room. Sealed room is a new situation for me and im running without a chiller which is being the bane of this grow. Water temperatures have been higher then 75f. -_-