Crimes against Humanity?


Well-Known Member
Israel reported today that it was withholding about $125 million a month in tax revenues that it collects for the Palestinian Authority at all the border crossings in the West Bank and Gaza. This was after a State Dept spokesperson said that it "would have to review" the continuation of the $440 million the US provides the PA each year.( annual aid to Israel $3.4 billion in 2014)
All of this was the result of 2 things, one being the failure of the proposal to the Security Council that was presented by Jordan, that set an end date for the establishment of a State of Palestine, and the second being that the Palestinians actually had the unbelievable, unmitigated balls to join the International Criminal Court. Can you believe that? The palli's want to go to court! LMFAO. But, Israel doesn't find it funny, nope, because if they are found to be guilty of war crimes (bombing apartment buildings and schools, KNOWING there were NON-COMBATANTS IN THOSE STRUCTURES etc.) they will be further fucked in the eyes of the world.
That is why Israel and the US will resort to any means left it seems to stop any mention, or action on the behalf of the Palestinian people.
Now it seems (no money/no food) they want to starve them into submission, seeing as all the death and destruction did nothing to stop them so far. Good luck, cocksuckers, because nothing will ever stop the truth.
Fucking Nazis


Well-Known Member
Israel reported today that it was withholding about $125 million a month in tax revenues that it collects for the Palestinian Authority at all the border crossings in the West Bank and Gaza. This was after a State Dept spokesperson said that it "would have to review" the continuation of the $440 million the US provides the PA each year.( annual aid to Israel $3.4 billion in 2014)
All of this was the result of 2 things, one being the failure of the proposal to the Security Council that was presented by Jordan, that set an end date for the establishment of a State of Palestine, and the second being that the Palestinians actually had the unbelievable, unmitigated balls to join the International Criminal Court. Can you believe that? The palli's want to go to court! LMFAO. But, Israel doesn't find it funny, nope, because if they are found to be guilty of war crimes (bombing apartment buildings and schools, KNOWING there were NON-COMBATANTS IN THOSE STRUCTURES etc.) they will be further fucked in the eyes of the world.
That is why Israel and the US will resort to any means left it seems to stop any mention, or action on the behalf of the Palestinian people.
Now it seems (no money/no food) they want to starve them into submission, seeing as all the death and destruction did nothing to stop them so far. Good luck, cocksuckers, because nothing will ever stop the truth.
Fucking Nazis
Isreal and the Palestinians will achieve peace.
When Israel gets all the land they want


Well-Known Member
we need to find a final solution of sorts for these people.
Fuck final solution. What, to exterminate a people because of an opportunity that everyone seems to ignore, at least in the US? It is soo easy to draw comparisons between a Jew in Europe (Warsaw) in the 30's, and a Palestinian in Gaza.(Warsaw) it is fucking ridiculous


Well-Known Member
Fuck final solution. What, to exterminate a people because of an opportunity that everyone seems to ignore, at least in the US? It is soo easy to draw comparisons between a Jew in Europe (Warsaw) in the 30's, and a Palestinian in Gaza.(Warsaw) it is fucking ridiculous
except the jews in europe didn't pass down refugee status from generation to generation. that is unique to one and only one people in the history of time.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Fuck final solution. What, to exterminate a people because of an opportunity that everyone seems to ignore, at least in the US? It is soo easy to draw comparisons between a Jew in Europe (Warsaw) in the 30's, and a Palestinian in Gaza.(Warsaw) it is fucking ridiculous
i dunno (Warsaw) why you feel (Warsaw) the need to (Warsaw) create thread after (Warsaw) thread attacking (Warsaw) Das Juden (Warsaw) nor do i (Warsaw) understand what (Warsaw) inserting the (Warsaw) name of a (Warsaw) city in (Warsaw) poland is (Warsaw) intended (Warsaw) to accom(Warsaw)plish beyond (Warsaw) making (Warsaw) your (Warsaw) al(Warsaw)ready unint(Warsaw)elligible rav(Warsaw)ings e(Warsaw)ven mo(Warsaw)re ob(Warsaw)nox(Warsaw)ious.

but what do i know, since i am a jew/gypsy/redneck/christian/klansman/unemployed/shill for the koch brothers/walmart employee/hatchetman for monsanto/anarcho-capitalist/neo-conservative/doubleracist (yes, i have a very busy schedule, i know...)

perhaps you could explain why the recognized nation of israel should submit to rocket attacks, suicide bombings and sabotage by terrorists, while the UNRECOGNIZED fatah/hamas criminals are considered the victims?

i wonder if you can actually craft a substantive response without dipping into your usual stockpile of anti-semitic slogans and blood libel.


Well-Known Member
Israel is guilty of war crimes, top israeli officials will not be free to travel anywhere but US Canada or Australia
The rocket fire is in respomce to Israeli occupation and aggresion


Well-Known Member
Israel reported today that it was withholding about $125 million a month in tax revenues that it collects for the Palestinian Authority at all the border crossings in the West Bank and Gaza. This was after a State Dept spokesperson said that it "would have to review" the continuation of the $440 million the US provides the PA each year.( annual aid to Israel $3.4 billion in 2014)
All of this was the result of 2 things, one being the failure of the proposal to the Security Council that was presented by Jordan, that set an end date for the establishment of a State of Palestine, and the second being that the Palestinians actually had the unbelievable, unmitigated balls to join the International Criminal Court. Can you believe that? The palli's want to go to court! LMFAO. But, Israel doesn't find it funny, nope, because if they are found to be guilty of war crimes (bombing apartment buildings and schools, KNOWING there were NON-COMBATANTS IN THOSE STRUCTURES etc.) they will be further fucked in the eyes of the world.
That is why Israel and the US will resort to any means left it seems to stop any mention, or action on the behalf of the Palestinian people.
Now it seems (no money/no food) they want to starve them into submission, seeing as all the death and destruction did nothing to stop them so far. Good luck, cocksuckers, because nothing will ever stop the truth.
Fucking Nazis
At this point I would have no problem with Israel expelling every single Palestinian from the country and gaza... Let the surrounding countries sort it out.


Well-Known Member
At this point I would have no problem with Israel expelling every single Palestinian from the country and gaza... Let the surrounding countries sort it out.
Another American with his head full of Israeli propaganda (they control all the media) calling for the extermination of the indigenous people of the land (Palestinians) so the Israelis can steal all the land

very sad,shows how brainwashed the average American is

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I wish we used all the money we sent to Israel on the United States, we could actually pay to get our buildings back up to code and the homeless off the street. Instead we leave the homeless there as a reminder to be a good citizen or this is what can happen.


Well-Known Member
Israel reported today that it was withholding about $125 million a month in tax revenues that it collects for the Palestinian Authority at all the border crossings in the West Bank and Gaza.
Israelis are Jewish aren't they?
If so, then this says it all.
Nothing new here move along lol.


Well-Known Member
i dunno (Warsaw) why you feel (Warsaw) the need to (Warsaw) create thread after (Warsaw) thread attacking (Warsaw) Das Juden (Warsaw) nor do i (Warsaw) understand what (Warsaw) inserting the (Warsaw) name of a (Warsaw) city in (Warsaw) poland is (Warsaw) intended (Warsaw) to accom(Warsaw)plish beyond (Warsaw) making (Warsaw) your (Warsaw) al(Warsaw)ready unint(Warsaw)elligible rav(Warsaw)ings e(Warsaw)ven mo(Warsaw)re ob(Warsaw)nox(Warsaw)ious.

but what do i know, since i am a jew/gypsy/redneck/christian/klansman/unemployed/shill for the koch brothers/walmart employee/hatchetman for monsanto/anarcho-capitalist/neo-conservative/doubleracist (yes, i have a very busy schedule, i know...)

perhaps you could explain why the recognized nation of israel should submit to rocket attacks, suicide bombings and sabotage by terrorists, while the UNRECOGNIZED fatah/hamas criminals are considered the victims?

i wonder if you can actually craft a substantive response without dipping into your usual stockpile of anti-semitic slogans and blood lib
i dunno (Warsaw) why you feel (Warsaw) the need to (Warsaw) create thread after (Warsaw) thread attacking (Warsaw) Das Juden (Warsaw) nor do i (Warsaw) understand what (Warsaw) inserting the (Warsaw) name of a (Warsaw) city in (Warsaw) poland is (Warsaw) intended (Warsaw) to accom(Warsaw)plish beyond (Warsaw) making (Warsaw) your (Warsaw) al(Warsaw)ready unint(Warsaw)elligible rav(Warsaw)ings e(Warsaw)ven mo(Warsaw)re ob(Warsaw)nox(Warsaw)ious.

but what do i know, since i am a jew/gypsy/redneck/christian/klansman/unemployed/shill for the koch brothers/walmart employee/hatchetman for monsanto/anarcho-capitalist/neo-conservative/doubleracist (yes, i have a very busy schedule, i know...)

perhaps you could explain why the recognized nation of israel should submit to rocket attacks, suicide bombings and sabotage by terrorists, while the UNRECOGNIZED fatah/hamas criminals are considered the victims?

i wonder if you can actually craft a substantive response without dipping into your usual stockpile of anti-semitic slogans and
i dunno (Warsaw) why you feel (Warsaw) the need to (Warsaw) create thread after (Warsaw) thread attacking (Warsaw) Das Juden (Warsaw) nor do i (Warsaw) understand what (Warsaw) inserting the (Warsaw) name of a (Warsaw) city in (Warsaw) poland is (Warsaw) intended (Warsaw) to accom(Warsaw)plish beyond (Warsaw) making (Warsaw) your (Warsaw) al(Warsaw)ready unint(Warsaw)elligible rav(Warsaw)ings e(Warsaw)ven mo(Warsaw)re ob(Warsaw)nox(Warsaw)ious.

but what do i know, since i am a jew/gypsy/redneck/christian/klansman/unemployed/shill for the koch brothers/walmart employee/hatchetman for monsanto/anarcho-capitalist/neo-conservative/doubleracist (yes, i have a very busy schedule, i know...)

perhaps you could explain why the recognized nation of israel should submit to rocket attacks, suicide bombings and sabotage by terrorists, while the UNRECOGNIZED fatah/hamas criminals are considered the victims?

i wonder if you can actually craft a substantive response without dipping into your usual stockpile of anti-semitic slogans and blood libel.
Well, you know what Dr. Keynes, (you egomaniacal cunt ), I ain't going away, and I will never stop posting about the transgressions of Israel and the US in regards to the Palestinian people, so be prepared to read some more FACTS about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. In regards to your using that anti-Semitism shit to defend yourself, or Jews in general, that pulls ZERO weight with me personally, and it seems to be true to most others on this planet that are goy ( read the world wide opinions on Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians, not the Jerusalem Post's viewpoint.) So, basically what you are saying is that Israel can do what ever it needs to do to eliminate the Palestinians,(WHICH IN YOUR FUCKED UP BRAIN DON'T EVEN EXIST) It doesn't matter that almost the entire UN voted, except for Australia and the US, to side with the Palestinians. The EU is a done deal as far as recognition of a State of Palestine is concerned. So it seems that I am not the only anti-Semite on this planet, seeing that your definition of an anti-Semite is one being against any actions of Israel against the State of Palestine, and it's population. Palestine, which is being recognized by more nations daily (that must really hurt your cunt), is an entity that no matter what the US and Israel do, will not go away, and cannot be bombed, starved, marginalized out of existence. The world is sick and tired of the Jews fucking with the Palestinians ( I would use the term Israelis, but the Jews in Israel seem to like being called Jews, which actually makes sense, seeing as they are Jewish, Am I also an anti Semite to call a Jew a Jew?) Anyway, I look forward to your next line of absolute shit, which will probably state that I hate Jews (only you, really), and Israel is above reproach (not anymore thanks to Netanyahu). Shalom, motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
I admit to knowing very little about the conflict over there and don't really care enough to know about the politics involved but I always read these threads. The Joo hate is palpable.
its quite alarming that the Aussies are one of the least anti Semitic according to the ADL world map with only 14% of their population harboring anti Semitic attitudes
never would of guessed that

Folk can report any anti Semitic attitudes they encounter directly to the ADL