Critical Automatic Advice W/ pics


Active Member
This is a free seed from dinafem, its critical + Automatic. This is growing totaly different from all the other autos I grew over the summer, this plant germinated just fine, but then took almost 2 weeks to pop up, I almost was ready to scrap it. It is now about 7 weeks old & to me it doesnt look like an auto, its more like a regular plant. Any comments would be welcome. Im wondering if I should keep the lights on 24 hrs like with an auto, or cut it back to 12 hrs ??? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance...



Active Member
I would keep it just B/C it looks healthy and i like to take care of things (scrap it if u have other seeds and are impatient)


Active Member
I have no intension of scraping it cause like u said its healthy, but Im lost not knowing if I should treat it as a photo, or auto. It looks like a photo to me but I dont know anything, thats why Im trying to get some insight cause it doesnt look anything like the bubblegums, or blue autos I grew this summer or any other autos I have seen. What do u think ???

Doc Tor

I see hairs. Keep the light at 18/6 and see what happens. I just germed this same seed and put it in soil 30 mins ago. I'll keep you posted on how it goes for comparison.


Active Member
Ya its had the hairs for awhile now, but the few autos I have grown & seen look nothing like this girl they all have been short & super full & bushy & by this time have all ready shown a good start on buds. But maybe this is going to be a tall good producer, I dont know thats why I asked for advice on this because Im not to familiar with autos, she really looks like a photo to me & I dont want to keep the lights on her all the time if she is. I am really liking the autos now especially with all the new varieties out there, & for those of us with limited space I think their just great.. Thanks for your advice.

Doc Tor

With that said, flip the lights to 12/12. I'm kind of disappointed now since I have one of these in my garden.


Active Member
You might have an auto in this, sometimes things do get screwed up & Im sure I just happened to get one of the screw ups. But its budding now with the 12/12 & growing like I didnt want it to, Im sure it will out grow my bedroom before too long now, & maybe it will be some good smoke but I still love the autos. Now Im a bit leary of the white widow seeds I have left cause since I posted this the plsant has doubled in size. Hope you have better luck on yours..


New Member
mine are same age and look same as yours...nothin to worry about..critical is supposed to be quite also growing bubbleicious from nivana and it is far more compact :)


Active Member
I wasnt prepared to grow anything thats as big as this is getting is one of the reeasons I went with the autos, & in the past week this has doubled in size. I am new with the autos only growing my first ones this last summer & was real pleased with everything except the small amount, but sometimes u have to give to get. The way this is growing it was suggested that I try some cloning with it to help reduce the size & was told that each of the clones will just grow into a single bud ??? Have u tried or herd anything on this ??? Anything is worth trying I guess, the worst that can happen is I get more light into her. Thanks for letting me know yours are the same, now I can quit screwing with the lights..


New Member
tbh i dont trust autos and tend to run them on 12/12. i also grow autos because i need small plants...also lst'ing ruduces height but they tend to bush out. shortest/quickest ive ever grown is 'quick one' from royal queen seeds...smoke was average nothing special but quite alot of just 8weeks... i got pics i will post for you.
i will also post some pics of my critical,most are flowering but one is super stretchy and lagging way behind so maybe you got same kinda pheno


Active Member
critical2 005.jpgcritical2 004.jpgcritical2 003.jpgcritical2 002.jpgcritical2 001.jpgI still have my doubts shes an auto, or maybe just has allot of photo traits but whatever she is, she has doubled in size since I first posted this thread a week ago & is now a good 3' with no signs of slowing down which is good as far as production goes. I took these tonight to show to growth from last week.


New Member
how old is your one now mate? id stick yours on 12/12 i reckon its 6-8weeks away though by the looks of it...


Active Member
I germinated her Nov. 1 & it took her around 7 or so days to break ground which doesnt make sence cause she was barley covered. Shes about 3 feet tall now with not much but stretching branches on her but in about another 6 or so weeks I might have something, or at least Im hoping. Yours are really looking good there GBOSS, & ur cabnet is really trick. I have kinda the same thing going with mine, but this one got so big I had to make shift where shes at in a corner next to my entertainment center where I did all my autos last summer.. Im worried I wont have any room to do this white widow I have cause its a photo, but hell with my luck it will turn out to be a male, but I guess I can look at it like I will get a ton of seeds... Let me know how u do with ur critical, I think both of ours should come off about the same time... I think I will have to come up with a better placement of my lights next time cause urs looks alot better than mine, good job urs really look great..


New Member
mine was germed nov 1st aswell so will be good to see.yours when its done...
did you lst any of yours mate? thats what i did with my cheese. i didnt lst the critical but from now on every thing i grow is gonna be lst'd. keeps things abit you already said clones will help keep things will keeping the light as close as pos... u got any pics of your set up mate?
mine have got a little bit of light burn on couple of leafs but nothin to worry about

yours look nice and green mate good job so far. good luck


Active Member
Will answer the bike first, its a harley xr750 & its fixed now as ur seeing it.. On my second race it finished my body off the rest of the way, it was also my last race..In the 70's I use to race flat track, the half mile, & mile. I quit counting at 240 pieces of steel in my body, & my whole left side is held together with steel plates & screws.. Ok as for my cabinet theres nothing to see or special, it just a half ass set up cause like I said this has all changed since I last grew anything back in the 70's so Im just learning all this new stuff & didnt want to get too much into all this & thought I would add as needed.. I think I have some pics of my first bubblegums & if so will post them...Urs is the one thats looking good, unfortunatly I live in a communist state missouri & cant afford to do any more time.. Where do u live GBoss ?? Im really curious to see how urs comes out cause they are looking real nice..


Active Member
On all of these I have done indoors I have done the LST to help because of my limited space & also so I can get light where I need it since Im too cheap to invest in some good lights...But like I said this is all a new learning experience for me now & as I progress I will add the things I need to add...You would shit if u knew just what all I use on them, & also I would probably b laughed off this site