Critical mass 3 leaves huh?

I'm just curious as to why all of a sudden my critical mass plant outside is about 4 ft tall only has three leaves all of a sudden all of them every one of them three leaves New all of them but the plant looks healthy really healthy or it wouldn't be four foot tall I I don't know what's going on I will post pictures later I've looked on all over the internet and I just keep seeing lighting issues but that's indoor this is outdoor I had a few leaf hoppers but they're gone they just chewed the shit out of some of the leaves any suggestions I don't know I mean it looks healthy obviously it's 4 ft tall so I don't know any ideas? The soil is just something that I pretty much added to the living soil but as I said it's been fine the whole time I don't understand what's going on it looks like it's starting to flower I think both of my plants are I have OG Kush and critical mass and OG Kush looks great too and it has all the leaves still
I'm just curious as to why all of a sudden my critical mass plant outside is about 4 ft tall only has three leaves all of a sudden all of them every one of them three leaves New all of them but the plant looks healthy really healthy or it wouldn't be four foot tall I I don't know what's going on I will post pictures later I've looked on all over the internet and I just keep seeing lighting issues but that's indoor this is outdoor I had a few leaf hoppers but they're gone they just chewed the shit out of some of the leaves any suggestions I don't know I mean it looks healthy obviously it's 4 ft tall so I don't know any ideas? The soil is just something that I pretty much added to the living soil but as I said it's been fine the whole time I don't understand what's going on it looks like it's starting to flower I think both of my plants are I have OG Kush and critical mass and OG Kush looks great too and it has all the leaves still

Maybe it's thinking about pre-flowering in the next couple weeks, sometimes the # of leaf fingers starts to decrease as they get ready.
Maybe it's thinking about pre-flowering in the next couple weeks, sometimes the # of leaf fingers starts to decrease as they get ready.
See I've looked that up but all I can find is if it's the type of strain I'm fine but if not it's no good so I'm confused. Critical mass has 7 and it had 7 until recently I just took pics of both my plants critical mass and o.g kush they look great I think