Crohn's and Colitis (IBD)


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes and ladies,

Here's a little background info...
I've had Crohn's for 6 going on 7 years. I've been on more than enough medications, all of which have failed me in the end and ceased to help me in any way. Some of them include prednisone, 6-mp, remicade, humira, salezopyrene, and more.
I was hospitalized twice, the most recent time was for 3 weeks in march/april. I was released after having been given IV cortisone, which then became oral prednisone.

So now that the 6-mp has failed me (it's what i'm currently taking which isn't doing me any good anymore, and it has high potential to attack other organs in my body), I took control of my own health and decided to smoke medicinally. I've used it in the past for the same reason (at times when I wouldn't even eat one food item in a day, and would be in bed literally 24 hours of the day unable to move because of the pain) and it would help me dramatically, like a miracle.

I admit that I thanfully am feeling better now after my several month ordeal (I was in a severe flare up from November 2007 to about June 2008 and had to drop out of school and quit work). I'm smoking again, daily, to help me rid the pain and eat more (I'm 18, 5' 7" and weigh about 125, people are pushing me to gain weight lol).
Not only does it do wonders while I'm high to aleviate the pain, but it seems to be helping in the long run as well. It also does a superb job of keeping me off the can (chronic bowel movements is a big symptom of IBD).

So after realizing how well I was benefitting from it, I went to my doctor for the second time for the specific reason of inquiring about medicinal marijuana.

He refused to help me.
Regardless of the fact that I told him my medication isn't doing me any good and my pain is increasing when I don't use marijuana.
His response: "No, it doesn't really work for Crohn's".

Disappointed in him, I sat through the rest of the appointment after about 20 minutes of showing him printed up material on the matter and left the room, angry and disappointed in my doctor who's seen me in the worst condition of my life, bed ridden for several months (the same doctor who only visited me ONCE during my THREE WEEK stay in the hospital that he works in).

So I'm continuing to use it for myself medicinally, but I was wondering if anybody's got any tips or strategies or comments/sggestions regarding the issue.

Take care,


Active Member
Where do u live at? I live in Colorado but I have Chrons too ive had it for about the last 6 years or so but I just recently prob about a month or 2 ago got my medical license, i had been using it for a while before though. It helps me so much for the pain and eating and everything though and the doctor said its supposed to be good for the inflammation and shit too. I had the same problem pretty much though my doctor just said we dont do anything with medical marijuana here, but i found the Hemp and Cannabis Foundation site just looking for doctors that do it and set up an appointment, showed that i had been diagnosed with Chrons and everything, and it was easy as that,. They have offices in most of the states with medical marijuana legalized too, just google that site and they have numbers you can call theres other specialized doctors that do it too.


Well-Known Member
if you have a med dispensary around you they have sometimes lists of doctors for ya. you east or west canada


Well-Known Member
if you have a med dispensary around you they sometimes have a list of doctors. are you east or west canada


Well-Known Member
hey guys
thanks for the replies
i live in eastern canada, in the province of quebec.
ill do a search on the internet like you suggested and maybe stop by a nearby dispensary.


Well-Known Member
Call out for Lacy she is just a MM from canada and you need some good INDICA to sooth your pain and give you an appatite. Some people eat the brownies, or smoke, or Vaporize, I smoke because I love the feeling, But I can see where it will help people with certian ailments. Good luck to ya I hope you find relief.


Active Member
man, its like looking in a mirror reading your post

i'm the same age, height, and weight (and i have crohn's too)


Well-Known Member
I'd find another Doctor fast. I have Crohns also. If the only thing my doctor prescribed was pred. I would be like lightning all over his ass. I tried several things till I tried Pentasa 500 mg. twice a day and protonics 2 times a day. That along with vaporizing my pot at night. Your Doctor sound very uninformed about your problems, Time to find another.


Active Member
Hey, I have Ulcerative Colitis. unfortunately I live between NY and NJ and neither states has legalized it yet. For me it works so well. MM basically takes me out of a flare in 2 or 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I was doing Pentasa and I had problems with it...
Currently using Lialda when it gets bad... no issues with Lialda yet