
Well-Known Member
These Gelatos from Crop King have been nothing short of PERFECTION since the day I germinated right at the end they have yet another surprise...PUUURRRPLE!!


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yes you may find good things in crop king seeds but your moreless supporting a company that steal strain or atleast the name from other breeder who did not allow crop king to use in there work. so its hard telling what you may end up getting...

It has been brought to my attention that Crop King Seeds is selling fake knock off versions of my strains Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.

I reached out to them about a month ago. I spoke to a lady on the phone, I voiced my concerns and she assured me that she would have someone returned my call.

It has been a month now and several fans have contacted me to tell me that Crap King is at Cannacon selling fake Genetics with my strain names.

So I reached out again today, spoke with the lady who answered the phone who put me in touch with a manager that returned my call.

They want me to provide legal documentation that these strains belong to me.

I actually do have legal documentation that those names belong to me for use in the cannabis industry.
but why should I have to go through the trouble of paying for my attorney to provide this information for them when it’s easily googled.

I told the guy on the phone to simply type into Google Agent Orange Cannabis Strain.
He tells me that Leafly comes up and so does All Buds with some reviews.
I said great click on Leafly and tell me what it is it says.

Who does it say that Agent Orange was created by?
he told me he could no longer discuss it with me when he actually saw in print that it belongs to me.

Any Google search will turn up the Agent Orange and Jilly Bean belong to me, TGA Subcool.

I am not the only breeder that they have done this to, they have also done this to @_jinxproof .
Jinx was lucky enough to get them to remove the fraudulent listings for his strains.
Maybe because he has more followers or maybe because he’s a guy and women don’t really get the respect deserved in this male-dominated industry.

I wrote an article for High Times Mag in 2007 telling the story about my Orange Velvet and the offspring Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.
My deceased spouse Subcool wrote a book called DANK in 2008, one of the listed strains created by me/us was Agent Orange.
yes you may find good things in crop king seeds but your moreless supporting a company that steal strain or atleast the name from other breeder who did not allow crop king to use in there work. so its hard telling what you may end up getting...

It has been brought to my attention that Crop King Seeds is selling fake knock off versions of my strains Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.

I reached out to them about a month ago. I spoke to a lady on the phone, I voiced my concerns and she assured me that she would have someone returned my call.

It has been a month now and several fans have contacted me to tell me that Crap King is at Cannacon selling fake Genetics with my strain names.

So I reached out again today, spoke with the lady who answered the phone who put me in touch with a manager that returned my call.

They want me to provide legal documentation that these strains belong to me.

I actually do have legal documentation that those names belong to me for use in the cannabis industry.
but why should I have to go through the trouble of paying for my attorney to provide this information for them when it’s easily googled.

I told the guy on the phone to simply type into Google Agent Orange Cannabis Strain.
He tells me that Leafly comes up and so does All Buds with some reviews.
I said great click on Leafly and tell me what it is it says.

Who does it say that Agent Orange was created by?
he told me he could no longer discuss it with me when he actually saw in print that it belongs to me.

Any Google search will turn up the Agent Orange and Jilly Bean belong to me, TGA Subcool.

I am not the only breeder that they have done this to, they have also done this to @_jinxproof .
Jinx was lucky enough to get them to remove the fraudulent listings for his strains.
Maybe because he has more followers or maybe because he’s a guy and women don’t really get the respect deserved in this male-dominated industry.

I wrote an article for High Times Mag in 2007 telling the story about my Orange Velvet and the offspring Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.
My deceased spouse Subcool wrote a book called DANK in 2008, one of the listed strains created by me/us was Agent Orange.
yes you may find good things in crop king seeds but your moreless supporting a company that steal strain or atleast the name from other breeder who did not allow crop king to use in there work. so its hard telling what you may end up getting...

It has been brought to my attention that Crop King Seeds is selling fake knock off versions of my strains Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.

I reached out to them about a month ago. I spoke to a lady on the phone, I voiced my concerns and she assured me that she would have someone returned my call.

It has been a month now and several fans have contacted me to tell me that Crap King is at Cannacon selling fake Genetics with my strain names.

So I reached out again today, spoke with the lady who answered the phone who put me in touch with a manager that returned my call.

They want me to provide legal documentation that these strains belong to me.

I actually do have legal documentation that those names belong to me for use in the cannabis industry.
but why should I have to go through the trouble of paying for my attorney to provide this information for them when it’s easily googled.

I told the guy on the phone to simply type into Google Agent Orange Cannabis Strain.
He tells me that Leafly comes up and so does All Buds with some reviews.
I said great click on Leafly and tell me what it is it says.

Who does it say that Agent Orange was created by?
he told me he could no longer discuss it with me when he actually saw in print that it belongs to me.

Any Google search will turn up the Agent Orange and Jilly Bean belong to me, TGA Subcool.

I am not the only breeder that they have done this to, they have also done this to @_jinxproof .
Jinx was lucky enough to get them to remove the fraudulent listings for his strains.
Maybe because he has more followers or maybe because he’s a guy and women don’t really get the respect deserved in this male-dominated industry.

I wrote an article for High Times Mag in 2007 telling the story about my Orange Velvet and the offspring Agent Orange & Jilly Bean.
My deceased spouse Subcool wrote a book called DANK in 2008, one of the listed strains created by me/us was Agent Orange.
Fuck him he's a clown and been a clown anyone doing business with him for those genetics deserves wtf they get in my book just like the clowns like Copy Crap (oh i mean Big Dan)
Any person buying their genetics deserve any crappy mids strain they get in return . Although i understand it sucks to have someone make a buck of your work !
Fuck him he's a clown and been a clown anyone doing business with him for those genetics deserves wtf they get in my book just like the clowns like Copy Crap (oh i mean Big Dan)
Any person buying their genetics deserve any crappy mids strain they get in return . Although i understand it sucks to have someone make a buck of your work !

So a noob looks online see's a good deal, gets a grow. But it's his fault cropy king is bad?

I don't follow your reasoning.

Stealing genetics? Who gave anyone the right to copyright a plant?

Name absolutely. But genetics?
The Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) provides intellectual property protection to breeders of new varieties of sexually reproduced, tuber propagated, and asexually reproduced plant varieties. Implementing the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA), we examine new applications and grant certificates that protect varieties for 20 years (25 years for vines and trees). Our certificates are recognized worldwide and allow faster filing of PVP in other countries. Certificate owners have rights to exclude others from marketing and selling their varieties, manage the use of their varieties by other breeders, and enjoy legal protection of their work.

In the U.S. there are 3 types of intellectual property protection that breeders can obtain for new plant varieties:

Plant Variety Protection - seeds, tubers, and asexually reproduced plants (issued by PVPO)
Plant Patents - asexually reproduced plants (issued by the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
Utility Patents - for genes, traits, methods, plant parts, or varieties (issued by the PTO)
Honestly not sure if this covers cannabis but there are literally tons of plants ,vegetables fruits and trees that are illegal to sell or propagate without patent holders authorization
Honestly not sure if this covers cannabis but there are literally tons of plants ,vegetables fruits and trees that are illegal to sell or propagate without patent holders authorization

Yes those are normally modified. g.m.o.

How can you patent, cr or trademark something natural.
Plus with pot. What about the plant's you used, who made those?

Who will enforce it? As you can see those that complained to cropy had something happen. But those people also known they don't have much to stand on.

Ask James loud he tried chasing people for copyright.
How can you patent, cr or trademark something natural.

You cant it says unless its found in nature growing wild. Which should include landrace but not sure about crosses/ hybrids