I was listening to a Jeff Lowenfels interview on KIS' podcast and it got me thinking about the issue of crop rotation and reusing soil. Both Jeff (author of teaming with microbes) and tad seem to be strong proponents of reusing the soil without break. As an organic market farmer this seems contrary to the principles of succession planting and crop rotations. How do you successfully grow in the same soil without issue of disease, pest incidences, nutrient depletion, etc. It's so contrary to everything I know and have practiced for years.
Crop rotation is standard practice for organic farming which is why I don't understand how cannabis can continually be grown in the same spot without issue.
This seems so foreign. Is there something that makes cannabis different from otherannual vegetable crops that allows this?
Crop rotation is standard practice for organic farming which is why I don't understand how cannabis can continually be grown in the same spot without issue.
This seems so foreign. Is there something that makes cannabis different from otherannual vegetable crops that allows this?