Cross pollination?....outdoors


Active Member
over this summer i had put 4 female clones into my outdoor site nestled in a small little forest. after harvest 2 of my friends have found numerous beans.
If something other than cannabis pollinated these females are these seeds still usable?
Is this possible?


Well-Known Member
nothing other than cannabis can pollinate cannabis so next year look around you area you'll find a grow or wild weed

did you have any herms or catch a male late


Active Member
nope i catch all my males early,
the thing is my grow site is nestled in between like a cooperate park and a mall lol.ill look around


Well-Known Member
I was reading some were that a plant sence that it is the only female and will herm it self. So it can grow the next year I found 1 seed and only had that spot just a thought.