crossing auto flowers with other strains


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering what would be the out come of crossing an auto flower with a regular flowering strain would the seeds be auto flowers or how does that work if anybody knows or is it like a maybe they will maybe they wont kind of thing if anybody could let me know that would be great thanks :peace:widow


Well-Known Member
i think, (but i'm not sure) if u cross a auto strain with a standard strain the resulting seeds would be that some will be auto some wont. if u pollinate those seeds (the ones u just made) again with a auto strain there will be more likly to be more auto seeds than standard seeds. well i'm sure thats what i read somewhere. somone correct me if i'm wrong. (i've never had anny auto strains)



Well-Known Member
you got it right. i had asked the same Q awhile ago and some smart*** jumped all over me. but I did it anyway,huh! so i crossed a dwarf with a mango. i just planted the resulting seeds 2 weeks ago. i germed 4 seeds, so if i get one male i will save the pollen them pollanate a female again, choosing a good female with good traits. their seeds should be dwarfs or autos. i think. i guess. shit, i hope so.


Well-Known Member
1 out of four i think, because auto flowering is maybe none will...because
FF x ff = Ff so the F1 generation will be Early plants.
so if you crossed the F1 generation with another auto it will be Ff x ff= ffx3 and Ff
so your f2 generation will be mostly auto. with one early
that being said while breeding you'd pick the auto dominate plants to mate with not the non dominate ones.
am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i was gonna try to cross poison dwarf from g 13 labs with one of the other strains that i have i have a bunch so its hard to decide so if i cross it a second time most will be autos is that what u guys are saying or i might just cross a poison d male with a pd fem then the outcome of that would be all autos correct im still learning about this crossing shit so bare with me thanks


Well-Known Member
no i dont have them goin yet i got a pollen problem in my grow rooms so ive been cleaning everything and im not gonna start another grow untill i know its gone but i got a bunch of different strains slo it should be a awesome grow once it gets started gonna have alot of variety im gonna start a grow journal when i do so i will keep u updated


Well-Known Member
i would have done the pakistan ryders or the auto ak fem
theyre farther away from the ruderalis strain.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was looking at the auto ak and the auto white russian there was another one i was looking at but i like g13 labs so i went with that plus i got alot of other strains from there so i figured i would go with the poison dwarfs cause the price was right and it looks like some decent bud but i am prob gonna end up ordering some auto russian or some auto blue berry that i dont know i want to make some decent crosses so we will see what happens this time around thanks everyone im gonna post some pics later of some of the clones i got going right now for my next grow i got some hashberry ,thai super skunk,and white skunk


Well-Known Member
its just that it might taste a little nappy.
add like un-sulfured molasses or some carboload or sweet(its a sweetener for plants)
to make it taste better


Well-Known Member
i havent been on for a while but im back im about to start those poison dwarfs i got 6 of them germing right now i might do more we will see ive been waiting forever to start this grow but i couldnt because i had some issues that required me to get out of the game for a while but it feels good to set up again i feel like its the first day of school again..i like:mrgreen: i will start up a journal when it pops off and show some pics when i get these ladies in there home