Crowning buds ,are they bad ,need help !!


Active Member
Sup folks , i am growing hydro in a SUPERCLOSET.COM "superflower. I am using TECHNOFLORA's recipe for sucess, my buds are crowning out , is this a bad thing?And if so how do ii prevent it ,my heat sometimes gets to 87 my last batch didnt do this ,but was a diffrent plant. and dif nutes,this is only my 3rd run so any help helps ,thank all ,keep fightin the fight !!!!!!!


Active Member
I think it has a lot to do with strain and nutrients and no it is not a bad thing..I run the same strains as my buddy and he runs dirt and his don't crown but mine do but my budz are bigger and weigh more..


New Member
It's the Technoflora. Stop using awesome blossom once you get close to week 4. Switch to Massive


Well-Known Member
TommyTrouble77 was last seen: Jun 20, 2014

i am growing hydro in a "SUPERCLOSET.COM "superflower."

I can't believe people pay $1500 for some crappy overpriced grow cabinet.