Crystals (?) in GHE Flora Micro


Well-Known Member
I have three bottles of the classic GHE Flora Trio, which are now about 3 years old. GHE on their site says that the shelf life of GHE Flora is infinite, as long as they're stored right. (Which I am sure I do. I store them at room temp, in a dark place)

I notice a rattling when I shake the Micro bottle, as if there are small crystals inside although I can't really see any.

GHE somewhere says "if crystallization occurs, mix bottle with equal amount of hot water" (which I assume is dissolving any crystals) and then just use double the amount. Check.

My question is...can't I just set the bottle like it is in a hot water bath, or just have hot water running over it to dissolve the crystals? Would warming up the bottle somehow destroy the nutrients? (I mean GHE saying that you can just mix it with hot water suggests that heat shouldn't have any negative effect)


Well-Known Member
Heat may allow the precipitate to dissolve again but will probably come out of suspension after it cools again. Give it a try and let us know what happens.