cud us sum help

hi im a first time growier and im growin a green house AMS seed it about 3months old and i was usin no lights for veg it got 2 about a foot and a half so i said i put it into flowerin it's about 3 days in flowerin now and im usin a 125watt purple spectrum.can i hav sum tips and do u think it will flower?i don't really care if i only get a joint it's my first time thanks bois!!


Well-Known Member
yes I am sure u will get something out of it but if u dont care about it why would u have not just grow it outdoors who cares if it gets jacked right??? put outdoors or bya window it will revegg and flower in a month or 2 and u will get lots of bomb! just seems like a waste to do what ur doing and more expensive at that.
u ever smoke AMS i was lookin at comments it meant ta be really gud..we don't hav da best weather here i did try there was smoke goin around here wit seeds in it i planted i few of them but they just keep getin eatin i still hav 1 or 2 not lookin there best tho there really purple from da cold