

Active Member
Ok I see a lot of threads of ppl drying for 2 weeks then curing in jars. 2 weeks to me seems like it would be so dry that they would crumble into powder. Can you just dry for a few days then jar cure? Or is there a reason to the 2 week madness?


Well-Known Member
Plants will not dry until they are dust, but will dry to the level of the relative humidity in the room they are being stored. 5 days or two weeks, it doesn't matter unless you live in an extreme climate with crazy low RH like a desert.


Active Member
Alright sweet cause I have an extremely dry room in my house that I'm never in because its so dry. I didn't know if drying super fast like that would be counter productive.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
You will learn to read the buds. Sometimes they need more hang time, sometimes they need the bag, sometimes they are ready for the jar.

The buds themselves, along with enviro conditions will determine dry time.

Ultimately you want to dry as slowly as you can without mold. That isn't a lot of help, but that is what you are aiming for.

Though nothing is really wrong with fast dried stuff, but if you want the best out of it...


Well-Known Member
i dry for 4-7days with humidity no lower then 32 and no higher then 47 and the temp around 68-80...curing at least 2weeks and up to 6weeks


Active Member
Another question here. My buddy was bitchin about when it'd be ready so I let him smoke a lil bud that wasnt dried out all the way. He said it was pretty much the highest he ever has been, but it didn't last as long as normal. Is that because it isn't cured all the way yet?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
hang your trimmed/manicured buds in a dark/cool room. have an oscillating fan in the room keeping the air moving. don't have the fan blowing directly on the buds. they'll be ready for the jars when you bend the stem and it makes an audible "snap." then open the jars 3x a day for 15 minutes till you get them where you like them. don't put too much bud in the jars. you want there to be a bit of room in there. usually takes 2-3 weeks for the final stage. some weed keeps you high for hours on end, some weed won't.