Curiosity Killed the Cat


Active Member
So my wife's cat ripped out five plants total now, I had a problem with him shitting in my beds last year and now he has graduated to ripping them out of the ground chewing them up and then shitting in the plot. I am getting rid of the cat tonight!!! Any ideas on what to do with him? my microwave is broken so scratch that


Active Member
lol i had the same problem with my cat when i first got him.. (didn't grow at the time so it was just house plants and shitting on anything soft). He is now an outdoor cat with basement privileges in the winter haha


Well-Known Member
I love animals, cats included, but I don't know what I would do if my pet was destroying my plants and hard work.

Obviously if I was growing indoor only, it would be easy to keep pets away. But outdoor plants, thats a different story.

Tough call.