Curious spider


Active Member
I have seen this spider on my plant for a few days now. I know it's not a spider mite, but if anyone could identify what it is that would be great. I just need to know if it will do harm or actually be protecting my crop. You may be able to see its web on some of the developing tops. image.jpeg
I used to have some major spiders on my plants . never hurt them they never hurt me . they used to bounce up and down on the leafs when I was working around them watching me for hours . trying not to squish them . they were eating those nats in the soil . only spiders I would kill were I used to get big black ones with a red spot on there backs not a black widow but looked very damn close to it . I looked it up internet said I would of sick from a bight but not life threating I did not need that lol .
i used to play with spiders when I was a kid I got bit very small red spider on my hand about a eraser size . swelled up my hand and i was throwing up for 2 straight days very sick from the bite was very fun . never again I will hold a spider lol . I only trust a few because I know they build a next and just chill on the plants some of these fuckers hunt on site very aggressive .
I learned about spiders when I was a young child, living in the Malaysian jungle. The rule is simple; if it eats mosquitoes we're on the same team. Don't worry about how many legs it's got, lol

Just don't let my cat see it.
Have you ever got bit by one of these?
(Just a random pic from google)PLqEwww.jpg
I've got a nice wolf spider in one of my grow rooms. He's very entertaining, kinda cute, and I consider him good luck. I even chase him out when I spray neem oil. Seems to really like the fruit flies that sometimes escape from my vermicompost bin!!!
Come one! Ain't he cute with those 6 eyes?

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