Curled leaves on seedling


Hi everyone

my royal gorilla (photoperiod) seedlings are not looking good today. They’re just 3 days old and have curled leaves (check the photo)

what would be the problem?I thought i was watering too often but i didnt water since yesterday and still they looking like this. Any ideas?


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1. Fuck your purple light, can't see your seedling color
2. Fuck your clear plastic cup, your roots don't need light too.
Does your cup have drainage? You just want to keep it moist at this time, not wet. I give my seedlings a couple blasts from the spray bottle in the morning and check again in the afternoon and maybe give another squirt. I live in a dry climate, so I have to cover mine with a baggie or clear cup to keep the humidity higher right there on them but I take it off a few times a day for 30min or so to get airflow.
1. Fuck your purple light, can't see your seedling color
2. Fuck your clear plastic cup, your roots don't need light too.
Does your cup have drainage? You just want to keep it moist at this time, not wet. I give my seedlings a couple blasts from the spray bottle in the morning and check again in the afternoon and maybe give another squirt. I live in a dry climate, so I have to cover mine with a baggie or clear cup to keep the humidity higher right there on them but I take it off a few times a day for 30min or so to get airflow.

Thanks mate, the color is normal nothing to worry about, i have humidity at 38-40% i will use your advise with cover before i move them into a tent ;)
Drenaige is there as well i poked 4-5 holes on the bottom.. so i will just let them dry out and start watering very carefully right?

1. Fuck your purple light, can't see your seedling color
2. Fuck your clear plastic cup, your roots don't need light too.
Does your cup have drainage? You just want to keep it moist at this time, not wet. I give my seedlings a couple blasts from the spray bottle in the morning and check again in the afternoon and maybe give another squirt. I live in a dry climate, so I have to cover mine with a baggie or clear cup to keep the humidity higher right there on them but I take it off a few times a day for 30min or so to get airflow.
I am new to growing and being a member of the site and wanted to see if the lower humidity was a problem you said that your humidity was between 38-40% don't you want around 50%rl for the seedling phase I am also experiencing the same problem with different lights
Looks fine. Its growing. Putting energy up. Raise RH to 65% or more. DO NOT COVER the seedling with anything!..i.e. plastic cup/baggie. Its already out of that stage. Raise RH by misting down walls/sides of the cup inside and out. Just bc your meter is reading low; if the topsoil is moist RH will differ from 2inches from plant vs 2ft.
Although if he got his seeds from ILGM anything is possible lol
I like the claim made they know the
Looks fine. Its growing. Putting energy up. Raise RH to 65% or more. DO NOT COVER the seedling with anything!..i.e. plastic cup/baggie. Its already out of that stage. Raise RH by misting down walls/sides of the cup inside and out. Just bc your meter is reading low; if the topsoil is moist RH will differ from 2inches from plant vs 2ft.
Agree on the 65% humidity.
Not trying to be a smart ass BUT the curled leaves I see are cotyledons...does it really matter? I would however try to get better lighting to stop that stretch or you can bury the stem a little more. And like others have said clear solo cups...not a good idea. But you can wrap something around them. Perhaps some duct tape. Just my .02
the color is normal nothing to worry about

The color is normal... For a low quality light. You want white quantum boards. 3500K or a mix of 3000K + 5000K + deep reds. Make the upgrate asap if you want this little fella to grow strong. About 150$ is all it takes.

As said above, cover the sides of the cup.
Next time buy some PAPER CUPS that you can directly plant in a bigger pot when roots poke out. Zero stress.
Thank you guys.. i also worry about a stretch but i have 2 options there so i think im gonna go with both of them:
1) bury the stem with extra soil
2) turn the stronger/bloom button on and lower a lightning a little bit; now i have it on 80cm approximately so i guess that might be an issue as well
Thank you guys.. i also worry about a stretch but i have 2 options there so i think im gonna go with both of them:
1) bury the stem with extra soil
2) turn the stronger/bloom button on and lower a lightning a little bit; now i have it on 80cm approximately so i guess that might be an issue as well
Good plan, do that

switched to cree lights lets see how the girls react if they still stretch a bit i will lower the lights as well


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