curling problem

Hi everyone! I need some advice pretty quick . My plant is 24 days old and the leaves are curling pretty bad . On the 19th day gave the plant 1ml of biogrow and a day or two later some yellow patches appeared so I stopped the nuts and gave her water only for the next three days. But now everyday the leaves are curling a bit more. What should I do? It's a automazar strain growing under a cfl 200w lamp put some pictures to tell me what you peoIMAG0025.jpgIMAG0026.jpgIMAG0024.jpgIMAG0023.jpgple think. Ta


Active Member
i dont see any obvious nute-burn. what you do have is a deficiency of some sort. what soil are you using? have you administered any other nutrients other than bio-bloom? a three week old plant should not be lacking in much unless there are no/ or very little nutrients in the soil. this is a guide that may help you a bit
Yellowing of Younger leaves............. Fe, Mn.
Yellowing of Middle leaves................ Mo.
Yellowing of Older leaves................. N, K, Mg, Zn.
Yellowing Between veins................. Mg, Mn.
Old leaves drop................................ N.
Leaf Curl Over.................................. Mg.
Leaf Curl Under................................ K, Cu, Over Fert.
Leaf tips burn, Younger leaves........ B.
Leaf tips burn, Older leaves............. N, Zn.
Young leaves wrinkle and curl.......... K, Zn, B, Mo.
Dead areas in the leaves................. K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn.
Leaf growth stunted........................ N, P.
Dark green/purplish leaves and stems......... P.
Pale green leaf color..................................... N, Mo.
Leaf Spotting.......................................... ...... Zn.
Spindly........................................... ............... N.
Soft stems............................................. ....... N, K.
Hard/brittle stems........................................ P, K.
Growing tips die........................................... K.
Stunted root growth.................................... P.
Wilting........................................... ............... Cu.

Use this chart as a reference ONLY. This is not a guaranteed diagnosis of your plant and you should only use this as a guideline to help you figure out what your nutrient solution is lacking...

try this if thats confusing ---

mushroom man

Active Member
i would say that plant has more problems than just the leafs burning up,whats yr ph ?watering cycle?temp and rh? it could be something simple or it could be a lot of simple things lol but it looks like yr havein a heat problem or a ph issue


Well-Known Member
Magnesium (Mg) - Interveinal chlorotic mottling or marbling of the older leaves which proceeds toward the younger leaves as the deficiency becomes more severe. The chlorotic interveinal yellow patches usually occur toward the center of the leaf with the margins being the last to turn yellow. In some crops, the interveinal yellow patches are followed by necrotic spots or patches and marginal scorching of the leaves.

If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter).

Sometimes a mg def can cause leaves to curl upwards.