

Iv just set up some clones under a 400w mh and they seemed to be doing ok, then I checked them a few hours later and a few of them had started to twist and the leaves are curling upwards. They where roughly 2ft away from the bulb but im now vegging them under a blue cfl to see if this helps. Any help will be appreciated
. This will be the headline title. Overheating problem?? Clone leaves curling up.


Bayou bud

Active Member
When going from small CFLs to an HID like that, you want to introduce them in very slow. Light stress can come from upping the Lumens too much.


Thanks for the replys people. I'm going to put the humidity dome lid back on and let them grow out a little more with the cfl's before I bully them with the big lights :-)


Well-Known Member
I use a ten gallon aquarium with a florescent hood. A little gravel and a splash of water in the bottom and no worries about humidity or drafts.