Curly, twisty leafies....WTF


Well-Known Member
Just moved this plant from an aerogarden into a 2 gal. dwc bucket with 750 ppm foxfarm nutes. The plant is 10 in tall and very bushy.
Had a little nute burn on some "now" old fan leaves, but that was with AG nutes.
I have a 430w hps at 18" above the tops.
Temp is 78*
Humidity 32%
fan on low
Nute water @ 77*

What I am concerned with is the leaf curl and twist. Here is a pic.IMG_3744.jpg


Active Member
wat up my plant doing da same thing mines was the heat was at 99 check ya temp an airflow


Well-Known Member
i see a few things wrong but plants usually curl like that from temps,get some air on it,,when it perks up deal with the other stuff i need to see more pics to really know


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I raised the light another 6 inches. Well see what happens. Roots are growing near 2 inches a day now.

PH 6.14
735 ppm
ec 1.45


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Even the FF nute chart is between 700 and 1280ppm for veg. Higher for Flower.
I am new at this hydro thing.
Got my ph somewhat stabil at 5.8 now. Growth has been all but stopped after I moved them under the HPS. Maybe they had nute lock. Hell i dunno